IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: western wild mouse (Mus spretus) IGLV

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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The 3 House mouse (Mus musculus) IGLV subgroups belong to three clans (Figure IGLV clans). Clans comprise, respectively:

Click here for Number of genes as deduced by RFLP analysis.

IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct Chromosomal localization R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence (V-REGION) Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence (V-REGION)
IGLV2 IGLV2*01 F SPE IGLV2SPE (Vlambda2SPE) MAP M17529 [1] (2) B6.lambdaSEG Vlambda2SEG MAP AF357989 [2]
IGLV2 IGLV3 IGLV3*01 F B6.lambdaSEG VlambdaxSEG MAP AF357988 [2]
IGLV3 (3) IGLV4 IGLV4*01 [F] SMZ SMZ1 AF357978 [2] (4) °
IGLV4*02 [F] STF STF2 AF357975 [2] (4) °
IGLV8 IGLV8*01 [F] SMZ SMZ2 AF357977 [2] (4) ° STF STF1 AF357976 [2] °

°: genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.
MAP: Mapped reference sequences.

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) The cluster IGLV1-IGLJ3-IGLC3-IGLJ1-IGLC1 is deleted in B6.lambdaSEG and probably also in the lost strain SPE [2].
  2. (2) M17529 was assigned to the IGLV2 gene [2].
  3. (3) Genes belonging to the IGLV3 subgroup may vary from 0 to 3 depending from the Mus spretus strains as deduced from RFLP analysis. Mus spretus IGLV3 subgroup gene names are by homology with Mus musculus genes [2].
  4. (4) Partial V-REGION: partial FR1-IMGT (AA 1 to 4 are absent) and partial FR3-IMGT (AA 99 to 104 are absent).
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Mami F. and Kindt, T.J., Immunogenetics, 26, 291-295 (1987). PMID:2820875
  2. [2] Amrani Y.M. et al., Immunogenetics, 54, 106-119 (2002). PMID:12037603
Last updated:
Dominique Scaviner, Delphine Guiraudou