- Amino Acids
- Amino Acids, Institute of Chemistry, Berlin, Germany. Includes 3D interactive models if you have installed MIME types for Chemistry.
- Amino Acid Information
- Amino acids (IMGT Education)
- Peptide guide
- The Amino Acid Repository, Jena Library of biological macromolecules
- The Chemistry of Amino Acids
- Carbohydrates
- Molecular Models for Biochemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, tutorials and quizzes based on Chime and Rasmol images of the molecules and macromolecules found in biochemistry (requires the Chemscape Chime plug-in).
- Saccharide
- Protein
- Biocomputing Hypertext Coursebook
- Cours d'autoformation en bioinformatique, Université René Descartes
- Cours de Bioinformatique - Les Banques de séquences biologiques - CITI2 - Christian Fondrat, 1997
- Cours de Bioinformatique - La recherche de similitudes entre séquences biologiques - CITI2 - Christian Fondrat, 1997
- DESS Bioinformatique, Université Montpellier 2
- DESS Bioinformatique, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
- DESS "Ressources génomiques et Traitements informatiques", Université H. Poincaré Nancy 1
- EMBER, European Multimedia Bioinformatics Educational Resource, is a European Commission funded educational project that aims to develop a suite of multimedia bioinformatics educational tools.
- EMBnet Biocomputing Tutorials (last update May 1997)
- GenomeNews, site d'Olivier Elemento. Documents relatifs à l'informatique et à la bioinformatique.
- ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology) Education working group
- Master Professionnel de Bioinformatique, Université Montpellier 2, France
- Master Professionnel de Bioinformatique, Université de Nantes, France
- Module de Bioinformatique - Ecole Doctorale des Sciences Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé (CBS2), Montpellier, France
- Molecular Linux , Molecular Biology related programs for Linux
-'s Biology site
- Animal Pictures Archive
- Biologie et Multimedia
- Biology Pages, from John Kimball
- Introduction to Phylogeny - Systematics
- Le site Web de Didier POL
- Les Sciences de la Vie au Lycée
- The Biology project, the University of Arizona, USA
- The Cell: An Image Library
- Understanding Cancer
- United States Geological Survery (USGS)/Biological Resources Division (BRD)
- Vie - La Biologie au lycée
- Biophysics Textbook on-line. Most chapters can be downloaded as a PDF file, only a few ones have HTML versions.
- Enseignement de statistique, A.B. Dufour. Chessel et J. Thioulouse, Lyon in french).
- International Master Biotechnology Pharmacology, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
- Chimie - Département de Chimie du Cégep de Saint-Laurent, Canada
- ChemIDplus Lite - A searchable database of 360, 000+ chemical substance and 180,000+ structure records, NLM, NIH, USA
- JME Molecular Editor, a Java applet which allows to draw / edit molecules and reactions and to depict molecules directly within an HTML page.
- SMILES Home Page, SMILES is a simple yet comprehensive chemical nomenclature
Educational resources
- Access Excellence - About Biotech-Graphics Gallery
- ARIADNE foundation
- BIO-GEO, Ressources informatiques destinées aux enseignants (information resources for teachers)
- BioTV : La chaîne de la recherche en biomédecine.
- Educnet, produits reconnus d'intérêt pédagogique (RIP): Sciences et vie de la Terre (multimedia products: natural sciences)
- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence, USA
- Graticiels, logiciels gratuits pédagogiques (free education software)
- Guide de conception pédagogique et graphique d'un site éducatif sur le réseau internet
- Medi@terre, le serveur d'information et de communication pédagogique de l'Académie de Montpellier
- Ressources en ligne - La Faculté de Médecine Pitié-Salpêtrière
- SAMS-SVT, Service Académique du Matériel Scientifique, Montpellier
- SciCentral
- SFRS, Service du Film de Recherche Scientifique
- ALFRED, The ALlele FREquency Database from Kidd Lab, Yale University School of Medicine, gene frequency data in a global set of population samples.
- GENET, un ensemble de ressources (en français) pour l'enseignement de la génétique
- Genetics: Basis for Medicine in the 21st Century. An introduction to genes, diseases and genetic tests. A 61 page booklet written by Dr Achim Regenauer and Prof. Dr Joerg Schmidtke and published by Munich RE (pdf file on the ESHG, European Society of Human Genetics site).
- A propos de la génomique. Questions fréquemment posées - GenomeCanada
- Molecular Hematology, your free tutorial for human hemogenetics & hemobiology in health & disease
- Histologie moléculaire - CHU Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris (in french)
- About Primary Immune Deficiencies, Patient and Family Handbook (Vochapters) Immune Deficiency Foundation
- AIDS, NIH publications
- Allergies, CEA/DSV, groupe HLA II (2000)
- Allergies
- Allergy Glossary, Health On the Net Foundation HON
- Antibody structure and function, Tutorial
- Antigen presentation, from John Kimball's online biology textbook
- Asthma, NIH publications
- ASSIM - Module 8 du 2e cycle des études médicales (Réaction inflammatoire, allergies, pathologie autoimmunes)
- Autoimmune diseases, NIH publications
- Autoimmunity and Immune Complex Diseases, Robert C. Mellors, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
- Caractéristiques d'une IgG, BIOGEO, France
- Cours d'Immunologie DCEM1 2002-2003, Jean-Claude BENSA
- Cours d'immunologie et d'immunopathologie Université de Liège, Belgique, Service de Médecine Interne - Maladies infectieuses et Immunodéficiences - M. Moutschen
- Cytofluorométrie, BIOGEO, France
- Diplôme Inter-Universitaire : Immunologie et biothérapies (Programme 2005)
- Démarche pédagogique en immunologie. Immunologie - SIDA
- Enseignement d'Immunologie Vétérinaire, Lyon, Delphine Grézel
- Genes and disease, Asthma, Map, NCBI, U.S.A.
- Human IgG subclasses
- Human IgG subclasses: useful diagnostic markers for immunocompetence
- IMGT Education, Université Montpellier 2, France, M.-P. Lefranc and G. Lefranc
- Immunité: activités pratiques Point ressources académiques - Académie de Montpellier
- Immunity rules! Overview of the Immune system, Tutorials Immunology, Veterinary Science and Microbiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
- Immunoglobulin+effector+function (google search)
- Immunologie Fondamentale, 1ère année (L3)- Exercices autocorrectifs, G. Lemaire et S. Lemaire, Université Paris-Sud, France
- Immunology, Paul Patek' s slides from the 5th edition Immunobiology by C. Janeway, P. Travers, M. Walport and M. Shlomchik
- Immunology - Antibody Structure - The Biology Project, University of Arizona
- Immunology exam
- Immunology - Problem sets and tutorials - The Biology project, University of Arizona
- Introduction to Immunology, Texas A and M College of Veterinary Medicine
- Kuby Immunology web site, online study guide with exercises and resources based on Immunology (Fourth edition, 2000), Goldsby R.A., Kindt T.J. and Osborne B.A., Freeman W.H. and company.
- LabWork - Online Tutorials - Online Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Leicester University
- Lymphocyte homing research
- Lymphoid System, University of Kansas Medical Center, 15 slides on lymphoid tissues (thymus, tonsil, lymph node).
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Preclinical course
- Medmark - Immunology . Sections to look for at the Web site: "Education/Training", "For Consumers", "General", "Guides/guidelines", "Information Sources".
- Microbiology and Immunology on-line, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine
- Molecular Animation of the Immunoglobulin KOL Fab
- Molecular Immunology, your free tutorial for human immunogenetics and immunobiology in health and disease
- Primary Immune Deficiency, NOH publications
- RasMol Tools for Visualizing Immunoglobulin, MHC and Other Molecules, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst. Animated tutorials for antibody:antigen complexes, MHC:peptide and other immunomolecules.
- Response to antigen: processing and presentation. MHC restriction and role of the thymus (chap.11) Microbiology and Immunology On-line, University of South Carolina
- Syllabus Immunology 2002, Western Kentucky University
- The structure of a typical antibody molecule. Immunobiology by C. Janeway, P. Travers, M. Walport and M. Shlomchik
- Understanding the Immune System, National Cancer Institute, NCI, Science Behind the News
- Understanding the Immune System, NIH publications
- Vaccine Research
- Virtual Immunology Lab: ELISA Assay, a guide to enzyme linked immunosorbent assay techniques.
- Master Sciences et technologies de l'information et des communications informatique , Université de Savoie
- PERIODIC, recherche dans les périodiques de vulgarisation scientifique, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.
- Molecular Medicine, your free tutorial for human physiopathology and therapy
- Masters in nursing, guide to masters degree in nursing schools
-, microbiology informational resources.
Molecular Biology
- Biology animation library, DNA learning center - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Polymerase Chain Reaction, Southern blotting, Cycle sequencing,...)
- BioMolecular Structure Education Web Sites
- Biosequencing Guide-Harvard
- DNA learning center, Cold Spring Harbor laboratory
- Genes 2000 - Online version of Genes, Lewin's textbook (free but need registration)
- Genome Glossary
- Great experiments - Short essays explaining experiments of the 20th century that have contributed most significantly to our understanding of biology at the molecular and cellular level (free but need registration)
- Primer on Molecular Genetics, U.S. Department of Energy
- Techniques d'études de l'ADN
Molecular visualization (Need Netscape and Chemscape Chime)
- An introduction to immunoglobulin structure, David Marcey, 1999
- Antibody recognition of antigen, David Marcey, 1999
- HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, David Marcey and Matthew Goldman, 1999
- Viral antigens: influenza hemagglutinin and HIV gp120, Erik Mazur and David Marcey, 1999
- World Index of Molecular Visualization Resources
- Diversity of Life, Sea World - Busch Gardens
- Mammal Species of the World
- Phylogenetics Databases and Information
- Reconstruction d'arbres phylogénétiques avec PHYLIP, Olivier Elemento, 2001
- Taxonomy browser, NCBI, USA
For vertebrates with Ig, TcR and MH (that is jawed vertebrates or Gnathostomata)
Go to the "The taxonomy browser" page
In "Query", tape "Vertebrata". Start Search.
Then click on "Gnathostomata". - Taxonomy and Systematics at Glasgow
- The Tree of Life A multi-authored, distributed Internet project containing information about phylogeny and the diversity of organisms on Earth, their history, and characteristics.
- Protéomique. GenomeCanada
Virtual Universities
- African Virtual University (AVU)
- ApprenToile, l'enseignement médical selon la CIDMEF (conférence Internationale des Doyens des Facultés de Médecine d'Expression Française)
- Biologie et Multimedia
- Canal-U, web TV des universités françaises, accès aux ressources audiovisuelles
- CERIMES, Centre de ressources et d'information sur les multimédias pour l'enseignement supérieur
- CNED, Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance
- CRU, Comité Réseau des Universités - Outils pour l'enseignement à distance...
- Cursus - La Formation à distance sur demande
- ECTS, European Credit Transfer System.
- EDUCAUSE. Transforming education through information technologies - Requires institution membership.
- FORMASUP, Catalogue des formations à distance des établissements d'Enseignement Supérieur
- GeneEd, Life-Science E-learning, some free chapters from courses on-line on biopharmaceutical technology, genomics, human gene therapy, immunity and disease, bioinformatics,etc.
- ITEM, Intégration des Techniques d'Enseignement Médiatisé dans l'Enseignement Supérieur
- Le Préau, les nouvelles technologies en ligne
- Les Amphis de la Cinquième
- Martindale's Health Science Guide -2008
- Meducation - World Wide Web Medical Education Resources
- MIT OpenCourseWare, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
- NTIC, Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication en éducation, France
- SciVee, Pioneering new modes of scientific dissemination
- Spécialité "Biostatistique, Bioinformatique, Génome (B2G)"
- TELESUP Fédération Interuniversitaire de l'Enseignement à Distance
- The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education. This electronic resource includes over 1900 images along with text, tutorials, laboratory exercices.
- Thèses-EN-ligne, Centre pour la communication scientifique directe (CCSD)
- The "virtual Bioscience and Biotechnology Center" - Martindale's "The reference desk"
- THOT - Nouvelles de la formation à distance en francophonie
- UMVF, Université Médicale Virtuelle Francophone
- Universanté (in French), projet d'apprentissage en ligne (Suisse, Liban, Tunisie, Cameroun)
- Université Montpellier 2 Espace pédagogique
- Université Montpellier 2 Espace pédagogique IMGT
- Université Ouverte - Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon (UO-LMR)
- Université virtuelle francophone, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)