- esp@cenet, provides users with a readily accessible source of free patent information, a service launched by the European Patent Office.
- European Patent Office, EPO
- FreePatentsOnline, a free patent searching site
- Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, INPI
- DELPHION - Intellectual Property Network, Delphion search and view patent documents from the U.S., Europe and Japan as well as patent applications published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
-, IntellectualPropertyLibrary
- Patentdocs - Patent class list - Class 436 Chemistry: analytical and immunological testing
- Search patent databases, esp@cenet, European Patent Office
- US Patent and Trademark office - Patent Bibliographic database. This page provides a convivial interface for multi-term searching of the U.S. Patent Database.
- World Intellectual Property Organization - Patentscope® Search International patent applications