- BLAST course at NCBI
- Cours de Bioinformatique, les Banques de séquences biologiques, la recherche de similitudes entre séquences, Christian Fondrat, CITI2, Centre ressources informatiques de l'Université Paris V, France
- HGMP-RC - Training Courses, Human Genome Mapping Project-Resource Centre, U.K., provides a variety of computing training courses (protein structure prediction, phylogeny, linkage analysis...)
- Méthodes d'analyse de séquences accessibles sous forme de "serveurs web" (Sequence analysis methods on the Web server)
- Practical Course on Data Banks and Software of Biotechnological interest at CRISCEB, Second University of Naples, Italy
- SADR, Sequence Analysis with Distributed Resources, University of Bielefeld, A web based course
- The ANGIS On-Line Recipe Book, provides step-by-step instructions for performing a number of common molecular sequence analysis tasks.
- VSNS Biocomputing Division, Biocomputing For Everyone
- Welcome to the BioComputing Hypertext Coursebook
- Bragg's Law and Diffraction: How waves reveal the atomic structure of crystals. An applet created by Konstantin Lukin
- Kevin Cowtan's Picture Book of Fourier Transforms
- Swiss Pdb Viewer tutorial (SPdbV tutorial), molecular modeling for beginners, by Gale Rhodes, Univ. of Southern Maine, Portland, USA
- Teaching guide X-Ray and neutron diffraction
- Autoformation, un site à visiter pour apprendre le HTML, le DHTML, le JAVA Script, le VisualBasic Script et le JAVA gratuitement et accéder simplement et rapidement aux principes et savoir-faire de base des principaux langages de l'Internet.