CDR1-IMGT 3D structures: Human IGLV Kol

CDR1-IMGT length: 8 amino acids
Human IGLV1 subgroup

- IMGT/3Dstructure-DB: 2fb4
- Collier de Perles: Human IGL V-J REGION: 2fb4

Five representations are shown:
  • backbone: a virtual representation which links the C alpha (CA) of the main chain
  • wireframe
  • sticks
  • balls and sticks: atoms represented with spheres
  • spacefill.
  • Click on the representations for detailed and widened pictures




    Balls & Sticks


    This page has been generated with the program RASMOL version 2.6 from the PDB file 2fb4, containing the atomic coordinates of the Fab fragment of the antibody Kol.
    Only the CDR1-IMGT loop of the V-DOMAIN of the Ig-Lambda chain (2fb4_L) is displayed here.

    Created: 11/07/2001
    Authors: Hanane El Jamali, Elodie Foulquier