CDR2-IMGT 3D structures: Human
CDR2-IMGT length: 3 amino acids
Human IGLV2 subgroup
- IMGT/3Dstructure-DB: 2mcg
-Collier de Perles: Human IGL V-J REGION: 2mcg
Five representations are shown: |
backbone: a virtual representation which links the C alpha (CA) of the main chain |
wireframe |
sticks |
balls and sticks: atoms represented with spheres |
spacefill. |
Click here for CDR2-IMGT 3Dstructure from 1mcw_M (Mcg from Mcg-Weir Hybrid)
Click on the representations of the CDR2-IMGT for detailed and widened pictures.
Backbone |
Wireframe |
Sticks |
Balls & Sticks |
Spacefill |
This page has been generated with the program RASMOL version 2.6 from the PDB file 2mcg, containing the atomic
coordinates of the Immunoglobulin Lambda Light-Chain Dimer Mcg.
Only the CDR2-IMGT loop of the V-DOMAIN of the Ig-lambda (2mcg_1) is displayed here.
Created: 23/07/2001
Authors: Hanane El Jamali, Elodie Foulquier