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Correspondence between the different gene nomenclatures.

The major histocompatibility (MH) superfamiliy (MhSF) genes belong to three groups MH1, MH2 and RPI-MH1Like, that also define the three classes MH1, MH2 and RPI-MH1Like.

Major histocompatibility (MH) superfamily (MhSF) groups (1) IMGT chain description (2) IMGT category (3) Previous names (3) IMGT subgroup (1) Other designations from the literature
MH1 I-ALPHA, B2M classical MH1 MHC-Ia Musmus MH1-D H2-D
Musmus MH1-K H2-K
Musmus MH1-L H2-L
nonclassical MH1 MHC-Ib Musmus MH1-M H2-M
Musmus MH1-Q H2-Q
Musmus MH1-T H2-T
RPI-MH1Like I-ALPHA-LIKE, B2M [2] Musmus CD1
Musmus FCGRT
Mumus HFE
Musmus MR
Musmus PROCR
Musmus RAET
MH2 II-ALPHA, II-BETA classical MH2 MHC-IIa Musmus MH2-AA H2-AA
Musmus MH2-AE H2-AE
Musmus MH2-EA H2-EA
Musmus MH2-EB H2-EB
nonclassical MH2 MHC-IIb Musmus MH2-OA H2-OM
Musmus MH2-OB
Musmus MH2-MA H2-DM
Musmus MH2-MB
IMGT notes:
(1) The IMGT classification is based on the concepts of IMGT group and IMGT subgroup (CLASSIFICATION axiom of IMGT-ONTOLOGY).
(2) The IMGT description uses the IMGT labels (DESCRIPTION axiom of IMGT-ONTOLOGY). Depending on the RPI-MH1Like, the I-ALPHA-LIKE is bound or unbound to B2M [2].
(3) Classical MH1 and classical MH2 refer to the highly polymorphic MH proteins that present processed peptides to the T cell receptors (previously designated as MHC-Ia and MHC-IIa, respectively).
Nonclassical MH1 and nonclassical MH2 refer to MH proteins with more specific functions and/or which do not present peptides to the T cell receptors (previously designated as MHC-Ib and MHC-IIb, respectively) [1].
[1] Lefranc, M.-P. et al., Dev. Comp. Immunol., 29, 917-938 (2005). PMID: 15936075 with permission from Elsevier
[2] Duprat, E. et al. Bioinformatics, 22, 453-459 (2006). Epub 2005 Dec 13. LIGM :309 PMID: 16352655.