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IMGT/GeneFrequency query page

Program version:
2.0.3 (2021/03/31)
Lefranc, M.-P. et al., In Silico Biol., 5, 0006 (2004) [Epub], 5, 45-60 (2005). PMID:15972004, LIGM:294 In Silico Biol., 5, 0006 (2004)

IMGT/GeneFrequency provides IG and TR gene histograms proportional to the number of IMGT/LIGM-DB cDNA rearranged sequences

IMGT/GeneFrequency has received a major update, bringing many functional changes, especially in the way genes are positioned.
Please review the upgrade page in the documentation for details.
August 2016
Authors (current version):
Valentin Klein, Patrice Duroux
Authors (original version):
Stéphanie Jeanjean, François Ehrenmann, Patrice Duroux