IMGT Informatics Committee
Patrice Duroux (
IMGT, IGH, UPR CNRS 1142, Montpellier, France
The IMGT Informatics Committee has a steering role in:
- the enhancement of IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®, and interoperability within the different components of IMGT (databases, web resources, on-line tools).
- the IMGT/LIGM-DB data distribution on SRS sites: EBI, DDBJ, INFOBIOGEN, Institut Pasteur, EMBnet nodes.
- the development of the interoperability with external information systems: EBI, NCBI (Entrez Gene, LinkOut), GeneCards, MGI, PDB.
The IMGT Informatics Committee works in close collaboration with:
- the IMGT Nomenclature Committee (IMGT-NC)
- the IMGT Annotation Committee
- NCBI (Entrez Gene, LinkOut)