Citing IMGT databases: Manso T. et al. IMGT® databases, related tools and web resources through three main axes of research and development. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7;50(D1):D1262-D1272. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab1136 PMID: 34875068 Free PMC article.
Program version: v. 

Add the possibility to obtain a gene table per strain (for mouse now and for other species later) and allotypes/isotypes for human.
September 25th, 2024.

Bibliographical references in alphabetic order, small design changes and addition of "NL" for non-localized gene.
June 14th, 2024.

Addition of 'Score for IMGT allele confirmation' as well as NCBI TPA accession numbers.
September 20th, 2023.

Implementation of the dynamic gene table.

Gene table legend:

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene, when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown in parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.

IMGT allele confirmation: a scoring system is employed to signify the frequency of occurrences of a specific allele within sequence data. A single star () indicates that no instances of the allele have been identified in the literature. Two stars () indicate the discovery of one literature sequence containing the allele. If more than one literature sequence is found to contain the allele, it is designated with three stars (). In the Excel file, the stars are represented by the plus symbol (+).

Click on:
  • IMGT gene name to get the corresponding IMGT/GENE-DB entry (link).
  • IMGT allele name to see the corresponding Alignments of alleles (link).
  • Accession number to get the corresponding IMGT/LIGM-DB entry (link).
  • MAP: mapped sequences. Click to access GENE-DB «LOCALIZATION IN GENOME ASSEMBLIES» (link).
  • [number] to access the corresponding IMGT reference (popover).
  • (number) to see the corresponding IMGT note (popover).
  • You can show/hide columns (), download data () or put the table in fullscreen () using buttons.
See also (IMGT Scientific chart):
Select a species and a IMGT group to get the gene table:
Only IMGT available species/group are shown in the drop-down list.
The gene table can take several seconds to appear, please be patient.

Click here to see Gene table: Bovine (Bos taurus) TRGV anterior to September 2007

Gene table of bovine (Bos taurus) TRGV IMGT group:
IMGT sub­groupIMGT gene nameIMGT allele nameScore for
IMGT allele
R T PrIMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequencesIMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Clone namesBreedAccession
in the sequence
or V-REGION (*)
Clone namesBreedAccession
in the sequence
or V-REGION (*)
TRGV1TRGV1-1 TRGV1-1*01 (4) 4q3.1
TRGV1-1, V1 AY644517 [3] (3) 145761-146057 * BTGV12, TRGV1S2 Holstein D16123 [6] (4) #c 55-347 *
TRGV1TRGV1-1 TRGV1-1*02 (F) 4q3.1
BTGV25, TRGV1S1 Holstein D16119 [6] (4) #c 55-342 *
TRGV1TRGV1-1 TRGV1-1*03 (F) 4q3.1
BTGV38, TRGV1S3 Holstein D16131 [6] (4) #c 55-346 *
TRGV2TRGV2-1 TRGV2-1*01 F 4q3.1
TRGV2-1, V2 AY644517 [3] 63919-64218 * DQ179591 [5] #c 55->339 *
TRGV3TRGV3-1 TRGV3-1*01 F 4q3.1 TRGV3-1 NW_937068 [9] (5) complement(23342-23845)
TRGV3TRGV3-1 TRGV3-1*02 (F) (1) 4q3.1
Bvg3.2, TRGV3S2 Brown Swiss U73187 [4] #c 55-354 *
TRGV3TRGV3-2 TRGV3-2*01 F 4q3.1 TRGV3-2 NW_937068 [9] (5) complement(17421-17923)
TRGV3TRGV3-2 TRGV3-2*02 (F) 4q3.1
Bvg3.1,TRGV3S1 Brown Swiss U73186 [4] #c 55-355 *
TRGV4TRGV4-1 TRGV4-1*01 (F) 4q3.1 TRGV4S2 DQ179592 [5] #c <1->249 * TRGV4-1 NW_937068 [9](7) complement(6617-7089)
TRGV5TRGV5-1 TRGV5-1*01 (2) 4q1.5-2.2
TRGV5-1, V6 AY644518 [1,2] ° 95124-95408 *
TRGV5TRGV5-1 TRGV5-1*02 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
TRGV5-1 DQ179595 [5] #c 52->321 *
TRGV5TRGV5-1 TRGV5-1*03 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV17, TRGV5S11 Holstein D16126 [6] (4) #c 52-336 *
TRGV5TRGV5-1 TRGV5-1*04 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV19, TRGV5S5 Holstein D16128 [6] (4) #c 52-334 *
TRGV5TRGV5-1 TRGV5-1*05 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV24, TRGV5S7 Holstein D16130 [6] (4) #c 52-336 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*01 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
TRGV5-2, V2 AY644518 [1,2] ° 134770-135054 * BTGV28, TRGV5S17 D13650 [7] (4) #c 52-333 *
BTGV36, TRGV5S13 D13651 [7] (4) #c 52-337 *
BTGV4, TRGV5S19 D16118 [6] (4) #c 52-330 *
BTGV22, TRGV5S6 D16129 [6] (4) #c 52-321 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*02 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV11, TRGV5S3 Holstein D16122 [6] (4) #c 52-332 * BTGV10, TRGV5S2 D16121 [6] (4) #c 52-333 *
BTGV33, TRGV5S10 D16132 [6] (4) #c 52-333 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*03 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV6, TRGV5S1 Holstein D13653 [7] (4) #c 52-333 * BTGV7, TRGV5S14 D13654 [7] (4) #c 52-336 *
BTGV2, TRGV5S18 D16117 [6] (4) #c 52-330 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*04 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV15, TRGV5S4 Holstein D16125 [6] (4) #c 52-324 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*05 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV18, TRGV5S12 Holstein D16127 [6] (4) #c 52-329 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*06 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV37, TRGV5S9 Holstein D13652 [7] (4) #c 52-334 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*07 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV5, TRGV5S8 Holstein D13649 [7] (4) #c 52-333 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*08 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV14, TRGV5S20 Holstein D16124 [6] (4) #c 52-330 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*09 (F) (3) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV8, TRGV5S15 Holstein D16120 [6] (4) #c 52-335 *
TRGV5TRGV5-2 TRGV5-2*10 (F) (3) 4q1.5-2.2
BTGV9, TRGV5S16 Holstein D16133 [6] (4) #c 52-330 *
TRGV6TRGV6-1 TRGV6-1*01 F 4q1.5-2.2
TRGV6-1, V6-1 AY644518 [1,2] ° 123913-124210 *
TRGV6TRGV6-1 TRGV6-1*02 (F) 4q1.5-2.2
TRGV6-1 DQ179597 [5] #c 88->369 *
TRGV6TRGV6-2 TRGV6-2*01 F 4q1.5-2.2
CH240-248F24 AC172685 [10] 52516-53024 Vgamma6Jgamma4 AY560834 [11,12] #c Unknown
TRGV6-2, V6-2 AY644518 [1,2] ° 158466-158753 *
DQ179598 [5] #c 88->369 *
TRGV7TRGV7-1 TRGV7-1*01 F 4q3.1
TRGV7-1 NW_937068 [9] complement(13360-13868) BVg7, TRGV4S1 Brown Swiss U73188 [4] #c 55-354 *
TRGV7TRGV7-1 TRGV7-1*02 (F) 4q3.1
TRGV7-1 AY735449 [8] #c 55-358 *
TRGV8TRGV8-1 TRGV8-1*01 F 4q3.1
TRGV8-1, V3.2 AY644517 [3] 44073-44363 * DQ179599 [5] #c <1->257 *
TRGV8TRGV8-2 TRGV8-2*01 F 4q3.1 TRGV8-2, V3.1 AY644517 [3] 49811-50086 *
TRGV8TRGV8-2 TRGV8-2*02 (F) 4q3.1
TRGV8-2 DQ179600 [5] #c <1->242 *
TRGV8TRGV8-3 TRGV8-3*01 F 4q3.1 TRGV8-3, V5.5 AY644517 [3] 23922-24212 *
TRGV8TRGV8-3 TRGV8-3*02 (F) 4q3.1
BTGV1, TRGV2S1 Holstein D13648 [7] #c 55-341 *
TRGV8TRGV8-4 TRGV8-4*01 F 4q3.1 TRGV8-4, V5.4 AY644517 [3] 33868-34158 *
TRGV9TRGV9-1 TRGV9-1*01 F 4q3.1 TRGV9-1, V3.2 AY644517 [3] 95537-95836 *
TRGV9TRGV9-2 TRGV9-2*01 F 4q3.1 TRGV9-2, V3.1 AY644517 [3] 118073-118372 *
TRGV10TRGV10-1 TRGV10-1*01 (8) 4q3.1 TRGV10-1, V3.1 NW_937068 [9] complement(9053-9573) AC172685 [10] (6) 81275-81794
IMGT notes:
  1. allele alias TRGV3-1*02
  2. conserved Tryptophane replaced by Leucine, the functionality was initially defined as "ORF". However the identification of several transcripts indicates that the TRGV5-1 gene is functional
  3. Deletion of one nucleotide T (AA 63) in CDR2-IMGT and insertion of one nucleotide T (between AA 79 and AA 80) in FR3-IMGT, probably due to sequencing errors. These errors lead to a frameshift in V-REGION.
  4. The CONSERVED-TRP (tgg) position 41 of the FR2-IMGT is replaced by Leu (ttg). Although the TRGV1-1 and TRGV5-1 genes are considered as functional (J. Jabado-Michaloud, 24/10/2007).
  5. TRGV3-1, TRGV3-2, TRGV7-1, TRGV10-1 and TRGV4-1 were found in NW_937068 (M.-P. Lefranc, 08/08/2006), they are in reverse complementary orientation. Their positions are the following ones : TRGV3-1 from 23684-23381, TRGV3-2 from 17460 to 17763, TRGV7-1 from 13704 to 13399, TRGV10-1 from 9092 to 9402 (J. Jabado-Michaloud, 20/09/2007), the TRGV4-1 sequence contains sequencing errors and could not be taken as reference sequence.
  6. Probable sequencing error, t 195 is missing (codon 65).
  7. This sequence contains sequencing errors in the V-REGION, leading to frameshift in FR2-IMGT and in FR3-IMGT
  8. The absence of known rearrangement in both ovine and bovine may be due to the presence of the nucleotides CA that precede the CACGTTG heptamer and thus create an overlapping non conserved heptamer that differs from a conserved heptamer by the insertion of two nucleotides (underlined in CACACGTTG). However it has not been proven experimentally that this RS is defective, and the bovine TRGV10-1 gene is considered as "functional".
IMGT references:
  1. Conrad M.L. et al., Analysis of the bovine T cell receptor gamma locus, Unpublished.
  2. Conrad M.L. et al., The genomic sequence of the bovine T cell receptor gamma TRG loci and localization of the TRGC5 cassette, Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol, 2006, PUBMED: 17141331
  3. Conrad M.L. et al., The genomic sequence of the bovine T cell receptor gamma TRG loci and localization of the TRGC5 cassette, Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol, vol. 115, no. 3-4, 2007, pp. 346-356. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2006.10.019
  4. Hein W.R. et al., TCR gamma delta+ cells are prominent in normal bovine skin and express a diverse repertoire of antigen receptors, Immunology, vol. 91, no. 1, 1997, pp. 58-64. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2567.1997.00224.x
  5. Herzig C. et al., Bovine T cell receptor gamma variable and constant genes: combinatorial usage by circulating gammadelta T cells, Immunogenetics, vol. 58, no. 2-3, 2006, pp. 138-151. DOI: 10.1007/s00251-006-0097-2
  6. Ishiguro N. et al., Molecular structure of bovine T cell receptor gamma and delta chains predominantly expressed on peripheral blood lymphocytes, Unpublished.
  7. Ishiguro N. et al., Unpublished.
  8. Lahmers K.K. et al., The CD4+ T cell immunodominant Anaplasma marginale major surface protein 2 stimulates gammadelta T cell clones that express unique T cell receptors, J. Leukoc. Biol, vol. 77, no. 2, 2005, pp. 199-208. DOI: 10.1189/jlb.0804482
  9. Lowe T.M. et al., tRNAscan-SE: a program for improved detection of transfer RNA genes in genomic sequence, Nucleic Acids Res, vol. 25, no. 5, 1997, pp. 955-964.
  10. Muzny D. et al., Direct Submission, Unpublished.
  11. Vaccarelli G. et al., Comparative analysis of human and Bovidae T cell receptor variable and joining gamma genes, Unpublished.
  12. Vaccarelli G. et al., Genomic organization of the sheep TRG1@ locus and comparative analyses of Bovidae and human variable genes, Gene, vol. 357, no. 2, 2005, pp. 103-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2005.05.033