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TR groups: Human

There are 14 IMGT groups for the human T cell receptor (TR) genes:

There is no TR group entries in HGNC, NCBI Gene and OMIM databases because the T cell receptor genes were directly entered on an individual basis.

Portail to the gene tables

Click on the 'IMGT group name' for the corresponding Gene tables.

IMGT group name IMGT group definition HGNC (2) NCBI Gene (2) OMIM (2)
TRAC (1) T cell receptor alpha constant group (1) - - -
TRAJ T cell receptor alpha joining group - - -
TRAV T cell receptor alpha variable group - - -
TRBC T cell receptor beta constant group - - -
TRBD T cell receptor beta diversity group - - -
TRBJ T cell receptor beta joining group - - -
TRBV T cell receptor beta variable group - - -
TRGC T cell receptor gamma constant group - - -
TRGJ T cell receptor gamma joining group - - -
TRGV T cell receptor gamma variable group - - -
TRDC (1) T cell receptor delta constant group (1) - - -
TRDD T cell receptor delta diversity group - - -
TRDJ T cell receptor delta joining group - - -
TRDV T cell receptor delta variable group - - -
IMGT notes:
(1)Group containing a single gene.
(2)A dash indicates no entry.
[1] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The T cell receptor FactsBook, Academic Press, 398 pages (2001) ISBN: 0124413528.
See also (IMGT Index):
Last updated:
Friday, 22-Sep-2023 18:21:24 CEST
Véronique Giudicelli and Marie-Paule Lefranc
Elodie Foulquier, Chantal Ginestoux