Sheep (Ovis aries) IGLV genes

The sheep (Ovis aries) IGL locus on chromosome 17 comprises 121 (+ 6 non localized) IGLV genes belonging to 9 IGLV subgroups:
IMGT group IMGT subgroup Functional ORF Pseudogene Total
IGLV IGLV1 29 (+3)* 0 19 (5:14) (+3 (1:2))* 51
IGLV2 9 (+1)* 0 3 (0:3) (+1 (1:0))* 13
IGLV3 4 (+1)* 0 3 (0:3) (+1 (1:0))* 8
IGLV4 0 0 1 (0:1) 1
IGLV5 4 0 15 (5:10)1 19
IGLV8 0 (+1)* 0 10 (5:5) (+1 (1:0))* 11
IGLV9 0 0 5 (0:5) 5
IGLV(I) 0 0 4 (0:4) 4
IGLV(IV) 0 0 15 (0:15) 15
Total 46 (+6)* 0 75 (+6)* 127
In the column 'Pseudogene', the number of pseudogenes with V-REGION in-frame and the number of pseudogenes with frameshift(s) are shown separated by two dots, between parentheses.
* An asterisk indicates that the following genes have alleles with different functionalities:
1 IGLV5-121 gene has alleles with different functionalities : PSEUDOGENE in frame or PSEUDOGENE out-of-frame. Only the functionality of IGLV5-121*01 is taken into account in this table.

Sheep (Ovis aries) IGLJ genes

The sheep (Ovis aries) IGL locus on chromosome 17 comprises 2 IGLJ genes belonging to 2 IGLJ sets:
IMGT group IMGT set or subgroup (if any) Functional ORF Pseudogene Total
IGLJ IGLJ1 0 1 0 1
IGLJ2 1 0 0 1
Total 1 1 0 2

More information:
Gene table: sheep (Ovis aries) IGLV
Gene table: sheep (Ovis aries) IGLJ
Locus description: sheep (Ovis aries) IGL