IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) IGHV

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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The Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) IGHV genes may be found rearranged to IGHJ associated to IGHM (2), IGHN (3) and IGHW (4) in different cassettes.

IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
IGHV1 (2) IGHV1S1 IGHV1S1*01 (F) + + M92851 [1] #c
IGHV1S2 IGHV1S2*01 (F) + + IgM1gj AF327520 [4] #c
IGHV1S3 IGHV1S3*01 (F) + + U51450 [5] #c
IGHV2 (3) IGHV2S1 IGHV2S1*01 F G11 L38965 [2]
IGHV2S2 IGHV2S2*01 F JIIR11 L38966 [2]
IGHV2S3 IGHV2S3*01 F JIIR5 L38967 [2]
IGHV2S4 IGHV2S4*01 F JIIRB5 L38968 [2]
IGHV2S5 IGHV2S5*01 (F) + + 1.3 U18680 [2] #c
IGHV2S6 IGHV2S6*01 (F) + + 10N U18681 [2] #c
IGHV2S7 IGHV2S7*01 (F) + + 12A U18682 [2] #c
IGHV2S8 IGHV2S8*01 (F) + + 12J U18683 [2] #c
IGHV2S9 IGHV2S9*01 (F) + + 12K U18684 [2] (1) #c
IGHV2S10 IGHV2S10*01 (F) + + 12P U18685 [2] #c
IGHV2S11 IGHV2S11*01 (F) + + 1A U18686 [2] #c
IGHV2S12 IGHV2S12*01 (F) + + 1C U18687 [2] #c
IGHV2S13 IGHV2S13*01 (F) + + 1I U18688 [2] #c
IGHV2S14 IGHV2S14*01 (F) + + 1Is U18689 [2] #c
IGHV2S15 IGHV2S15*01 (F) + + 1NDs U18690 [2] #c
IGHV2S16 IGHV2S16*01 (F) + + 2A U18691 [2] (1) #c
IGHV2S17 IGHV2S17*01 (F) + + 2As U18692 [2] #c
IGHV2S18 IGHV2S18*01 (F) + + 2D U18693 [2] #c
IGHV2S19 IGHV2S19*01 (F) + + 2E U18694 [2] #c
IGHV2S20 IGHV2S20*01 (F) + + 2H U18695 [2] #c
IGHV2S21 IGHV2S21*01 (F) + + 2K U18696 [2] #c
IGHV2S22 IGHV2S22*01 (F) + + 2L U18697 [2] #c
IGHV2S23 IGHV2S23*01 (F) + + 2P U18698 [2] #c
IGHV2S24 IGHV2S24*01 (F) + + 2T U18699 [2] #c
IGHV2S25 IGHV2S25*01 (F) + + 3-10 U18700 [2] #c
IGHV2S26 IGHV2S26*01 (F) + + 3-4 U18701 [2] #c
IGHV2S27 IGHV2S27*01 (F) + + 3-9 U18702 [2] (1) #c
IGHV2S28 IGHV2S28*01 (F) + + 3G U18703 [2] #c
IGHV2S29 IGHV2S29*01 (P) + + 3G1 U18704 [2] #c
IGHV2S30 IGHV2S30*01 (F) + + 3H1 U18705 [2] #c
IGHV2S31 IGHV2S31*01 (F) + + 3L U18706 [2] #c
IGHV2S32 IGHV2S32*01 (F) + + 3M U18707 [2] #c
IGHV2S33 IGHV2S33*01 (F) + + 3N U18708 [2] #c
IGHV2S34 IGHV2S34*01 (F) + + 3NB U18709 [2] (1) #c
IGHV2S35 IGHV2S35*01 (F) + + 3NG U18710 [2] #c
IGHV2S36 IGHV2S36*01 (F) + + 3NKs U18711 [2] #c
IGHV2S37 IGHV2S37*01 (F) + + 3S U18712 [2] #c
IGHV2S38 IGHV2S38*01 (F) + + 4.1 U18713 [2] #c
IGHV2S39 IGHV2S39*01 (F) + + 4Fs U18714 [2] #c
IGHV2S40 IGHV2S40*01 (F) + + 4J U18715 [2] #c
IGHV2S41 IGHV2S41*01 (F) + + 5A U18716 [2] #c
IGHV2S42 IGHV2S42*01 (F) + + 5Fs U18717 [2] #c
IGHV2S43 IGHV2S43*01 (F) + + 5H U18718 [2] #c
IGHV2S44 IGHV2S44*01 (F) + + 5NB U18719 [2] (1) #c
IGHV2S45 IGHV2S45*01 (F) + + 5NC U18720 [2] #c
IGHV2S46 IGHV2S46*01 (F) + + 7A U18721 [2] #c
IGHV2S47 IGHV2S47*01 (F) + + 7B U18722 [2] #c
IGHV2S48 IGHV2S48*01 (F) + + 9 F U18723 [2] #c
IGHV2S49 IGHV2S49*01 (F) + + 9K U18724 [2] #c
IGHV2S50 IGHV2S50*01 (F) + + 5D U18725 [2] #c
IGHV2S51 IGHV2S51*01 (F) + + 1N U18726 [2] #c

#c: rearranged cDNA.

In the absence of genomic sequences and maps, it is not possible to know if sequences differing by a few nucleotides derive from allelic genes or from duplicated clusters. Sequences which differ by <5 nucleotides are shown below:

IGHV gene and allele names (Accession numbers) Nucleotide differences
IGHV2S1*01 (L38965) IGHV2S3*01 (L38967) a18>c; t19>c
IGHV2S4*01 (L38968) IGHV2S25*01 (U18700) g18>c; g83>c; t87>c; g88>t
IGHV2S4*01 (L38968) IGHV2S37*01 (U18712) g18>a; c84>t; t121>c; g223>c
IGHV2S4*01 (L38968) IGHV2S45*01 (U18720) g18>a
IGHV2S4*01 (L38968) IGHV2S46*01 (U18721) g18>a
IGHV2S9*01 (U18684) IGHV2S46*01 (U18721) t21>a; c22>g; t75>a; t76>a
IGHV2S25*01 (U18700) IGHV2S45*01 (U18720) c83>g; c87>t; t88>g
IGHV2S25*01 (U18700) IGHV2S46*01 (U18721) c83>g; c87>t; t88>g
IGHV2S32*01 (U18707) IGHV2S46*01 (U18721) a89>c; t122>c; a144>c; g198>t
IGHV2S37*01 (U18712) IGHV2S45*01 (U18720) t84>c; c121>t; c223>g; t249>c
IGHV2S37*01 (U18712) IGHV2S46*01 (U18721) t88>g; t84>c; c121>t; c223>g
IMGT notes:
  1. (1) Partial sequence.
  2. (2) Found rearranged to IGHJ associated to IGHM.
  3. (3) Found rearranged to IGHJ associated to IGHN.
  4. (4) Found rearranged to IGHJ associated to IGHW.
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Vazquez M. et al., Mol. Immunol., 29, 1157-1158 (1992). PMID:1495502
  2. [2] Greenberg A.S. et al., Nature, 374, 168-173 (1995). PMID:7877689
  3. [3] Roman T. et al., Immunogenetics, 43, 325-326 (1996). PMID:9110939
  4. [4] Rumfelt L.L. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 98, 1775-1780 (2001). PMID:11172027
  5. [5] Greenberg A.S. et al., Eur. J. Immunol., 26, 1123-1129 (1996). PMID:8647177
Last updated:
Lorena Betancourt, Dominique Scaviner