IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) IGIV

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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The Five-ray yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) IGIV genes and alleles have a temporary designation based on the IMGT gene name nomenclature rules for the unmapped genes, the incomplete loci, or the cDNAs in the absence of germline genes.
Five-ray yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) variable genes are designated by the locus three letter root, followed by the letter V, the subgroup number, the letter S and a number.

IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
IGIV1 IGIV1S1 IGIV1S1*01 (F) + + CL29 AB062646 [1] #c
IGIV1S2 IGIV1S2*01 (F) + + CL10 AB062628 [1] #c
IGIV1S3 IGIV1S3*01 (F) + + CL32 AB062649 [1] #c
IGIV1S4 IGIV1S4*01 (F) + + CL34 AB062651 [1] #c
IGIV1S5 IGIV1S5*01 (F) + + CL40 AB062656 [1] #c
IGIV1S6 IGIV1S6*01 (F) + + CL46 AB062662 [1] #c
IGIV1S7 IGIV1S7*01 (F) + + CL50 AB062665 [1] #c CL14 AB062632 [1] (6) #c
IGIV1S8 IGIV1S8*01 (F) + + CL54 AB064322 [1] #c
IGIV1S9 IGIV1S9*01 (F) + + CL51 AB062666 [1] #c
IGIV1S10 IGIV1S10*01 (F) + + CL04 AB062622 [1] #c
IGIV1S11 IGIV1S11*01 (F) + + CL37 AB062654 [1] #c
IGIV1S12 IGIV1S12*01 (F) + + CL43 AB062659 [1] #c CL13 AB062631 [1] #c
IGIV1S13 IGIV1S13*01 (P) (1) CL38 AB062655 [1] (1) #c
IGIV1S14 IGIV1S14*01 (F) + + CL01 AB062619 [1] #c CL35 AB062652 [1] #c
IGIV1S15 IGIV1S15*01 (F) + + CL18 AB062635 [1] #c
IGIV1S16 IGIV1S16*01 (P) (2) CL42 AB062658 [1] (2) #c
IGIV1S17 IGIV1S17*01 (P) (3) CL07 AB062625 [1] (3) #c
IGIV1S18 IGIV1S18*01 (F) + + CL08 AB062626 [1] #c CL16 AB062633 [1] #c
IGIV1S19 IGIV1S19*01 (F) + + CL02 AB062620 [1] #c
IGIV1S20 IGIV1S20*01 (F) + + CL25 AB062642 [1] #c
IGIV1S21 IGIV1S21*01 (P) (4) CL26 AB062643 [1] (4) #c
IGIV1S22 IGIV1S22*01 (F) + + CL31 AB062648 [1] #c
IGIV1S23 IGIV1S23*01 (ORF) (5) CL53 AB062668 [1] (5) #c
IGIV1S24 IGIV1S24*01 (F) + + CL49 AB062664 [1] #c
IGIV1S25 IGIV1S25*01 (F) + + CL05 AB062623 [1] #c
IGIV1S26 IGIV1S26*01 (F) + + CL09 AB062627 [1] #c
IGIV1S27 IGIV1S27*01 (F) + + CL17 AB062634 [1] #c
IGIV1S28 IGIV1S28*01 (F) + + CL11 AB062629 [1] #c
IGIV1S29 IGIV1S29*01 (F) + + CL24 AB062641 [1] #c
IGIV1S30 IGIV1S30*01 (F) + + CL27 AB062644 [1] #c
IGIV1S31 IGIV1S31*01 (F) + + CL28 AB062645 [1] #c
IGIV1S32 IGIV1S32*01 (F) + + CL44 AB062660 [1] #c
IGIV1S33 IGIV1S33*01 (F) + + CL45 AB062661 [1] #c
IGIV1S34 IGIV1S34*01 (F) + + CL36 AB062653 [1] #c
IGIV1S35 IGIV1S35*01 (F) + + CL06 AB062624 [1] #c
IGIV1S36 IGIV1S36*01 (F) + + CL12 AB062630 [1] #c CL52 AB062667 [1] #c
IGIV1S37 IGIV1S37*01 (F) + + CL19 AB062636 [1] #c
IGIV1S38 IGIV1S38*01 (F) + + CL20 AB062637 [1] #c CL23 AB062640 [1] #c
CL48 AB062663 [1] #c
IGIV1S39 IGIV1S39*01 (F) + + CL03 AB062621 [1] #c CL41 AB062657 [1] #c
IGIV1S40 IGIV1S40*01 (F) + + CL21 AB062638 [1] #c CL22 AB062639 [1] #c
IGIV1S41 IGIV1S41*01 (F) + + CL30 AB062647 [1] #c
IGIV1S42 IGIV1S42*01 (F) + + CL33 AB062650 [1] (7) #c

#c: rearranged cDNA.

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) Pseudogene because STOP-CODON in CDR3-IMGT at codon 111 (positions 331-332 in IMGT unique numbering).
  2. (2) Pseudogene because STOP-CODON in L-REGION.
  3. (3) Aberrant recombination between L-REGION and V-REGION, DELETION of 5 amino acids.
  4. (4) Aberrant recombination between the 3' end of V-REGION and the 3' end of C-REGION, DELETION of J-REGION.
  5. (5) ORF because the 1st-CYS is not conserved.
  6. (6) Partial V-REGION: AA 1 to 99 are missing (no FR1-IMGT, no CDR1-IMGT, no FR2-IMGT, no CDR2-IMGT and partial FR3-IMGT).
  7. (7) INSERTION of 1 amino acid between position 32 and 33 in CDR1-IMGT (32 A).
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Okamoto K. et al., Fish Shellfish Immunol., 14, 55-70 (2003). PMID:12547626
Last updated:
Nathalie Bosc