IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) IGIV

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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Teleostei light chain type is Ig-Light-Iota (IGI).
The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) IGIV genes and alleles have a temporary designation based on the IMGT gene name nomenclature rules for the unmapped genes, the incomplete loci, or the cDNAs in the absence of germline genes.

IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
IGIV1 IGIV1S1 IGIV1S1*01 F CgL10 10.3 AF104898 [3]
IGIV1S2 IGIV1S2*01 (F) + + US03 AJ225249 [2] #c
IGIV1S3 IGIV1S3*01 (F) + + HW0802 AJ225237 [2] #c
IGIV1S4 IGIV1S4*01 (F) + + HW1202 AJ225238 [2] #c
IGIV1S4*02 (F) + + HW1209 AJ225245 [2] #c
IGIV1S4*03 (F) + + HW1206 AJ225242 [2] #c
IGIV1S5 IGIV1S5*01 (F) + + US09 AJ225255 [2] #c
IGIV1S6 IGIV1S6*01 (F) + + US05 AJ225251 [2] #c
IGIV1S7 IGIV1S7*01 (F) + + US12 AJ225257 [2] #c
IGIV1S8 IGIV1S8*01 (F) + + US15 AJ225259 [2] #c
IGIV1S9 IGIV1S9*01 (F) + + US22 AJ225266 [2] #c
IGIV1S10 IGIV1S10*01 (F) + + HW1203 AJ225239 [2] #c
IGIV1S11 IGIV1S11*01 (F) + + US02 AJ225248 [2] #c
IGIV1S12 IGIV1S12*01 (F) + + HW1208 AJ225244 [2] #c
IGIV1S13 IGIV1S13*01 (F) + + HW1210 AJ225246 [2] #c
IGIV1S14 IGIV1S14*01 (F) + + US04 AJ225250 [2] #c
IGIV1S15 IGIV1S15*01 (F) + + US06 AJ225252 [2] #c
IGIV1S16 IGIV1S16*01 (F) + + US25 AJ225268 [2] #c
IGIV1S17 IGIV1S17*01 (F) + + HW1207 AJ225243 [2] #c
IGIV1S17*02 (F) + + US11 AJ225256 [2] #c
IGIV1S18 IGIV1S18*01 (F) + + US19 AJ225263 [2] #c
IGIV1S18*02 (F) + + US20 AJ225264 [2] #c
IGIV1S19 IGIV1S19*01 F CgL10 10.2 AF104898 [3]
IGIV1S20 IGIV1S20*01 F CgL5 5.2 AF104899 [3]
IGIV1S21 IGIV1S21*01 (F) + + US07 AJ225253 [2] #c
IGIV1S22 IGIV1S22*01 (F) + + US01 AJ225247 [2] #c
IGIV1S23 IGIV1S23*01 (F) + + US08 AJ225254 [2] #c
IGIV1S24 IGIV1S24*01 (F) + + US14 AJ225258 [2] #c
IGIV1S25 IGIV1S25*01 (F) + + US16 AJ225260 [2] #c
IGIV1S26 IGIV1S26*01 (F) + + L16V X76517 [2] #c
IGIV1S27 IGIV1S27*01 (F) + + cSg L6L X68516 [1] (1) #c
IGIV1S28 IGIV1S28*01 (F) + + HW1204 AJ225240 [2] #c
IGIV1S28*02 (F) + + US18 AJ225262 [2] #c
IGIV1S28*03 (F) + + igl2 AJ293807 [4] #c

c: cDNA sequence.
#c: rearranged cDNA
(st): sterile transcript

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) Partial V-REGION: AA 1 to 24 are missing (partial FR1-IMGT).
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Daggfeldt A. et al., Immunogenetics, 38, 199-209 (1993).. PMID:8505063
  2. [2] Widholm H. et al., Dev. Comp. Immunol., 23, 231-240 (1999).. PMID:10402210
  3. [3] Bengtén E. et al., Immunogenetics, 51, 647-658 (2000).. PMID:10941836
  4. [4] Wermenstam N.E. and Pilstrom L., Unpublished (2000)..
Last updated:
Nathalie Bosc