IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: goat (Capra hircus) IGKV

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct Chromosomal
R T Pr IMGT/LIGM-DB locus reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Breed Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
Secondary accession numbers Breed Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
IGKV1 IGKV1-1 IGKV1-1*01 ORF (1) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 404279..404778
IGKV1-4 IGKV1-4*01 F 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 380077..380577
IGKV1-6 IGKV1-6*01 P (2) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 364543..365031
IGKV1-7 IGKV1-7*01 P (3) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 353883..354784
IGKV1-17 IGKV1-17*01 P (4) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 290803..291302
IGKV1-21 IGKV1-21*01 P (5) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 271460..271960
IGKV2 IGKV2-8 IGKV2-8*01 F 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 350175..350909
IGKV2-9 IGKV2-9*01 F 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 340900..341679
IGKV2-11 IGKV2-11*01 ORF (6) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 334973..335776
IGKV2-14 IGKV2-14*01 F 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 308648..309452
IGKV2-15 IGKV2-15*01 F 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 297133..297911
IGKV2-18 IGKV2-18*01 P (7) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 283725..284500
IGKV3 IGKV3-20 IGKV3-20*01 P (8) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 275716..276504
IGKV6 IGKV6-5 IGKV6-5*01 P (9) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 371602..371885 (16)
IGKV8 IGKV8-3 IGKV8-3*01 ORF (10) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 395561..396136
IGKV(II) IGKV(II)-2 IGKV(II)-2*01 P (11) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] complement(401201..>401338) (16)
IGKV(II)-10 IGKV(II)-10*01 P (12) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 338874..339151 (16)
IGKV(II)-12 IGKV(II)-12*01 P (12) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 317170..317470 (16)
IGKV(II)-13 IGKV(II)-13*01 P (13) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 312558..312841 (16)
IGKV(II)-16 IGKV(II)-16*01 P (14) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 295119..295413 (16)
IGKV(II)-19 IGKV(II)-19*01 P (15) 11 San Clemente CM004572.1 IMGT000009 [1] 281952..282239 (16)
IMGT notes:
  1. (1) noncanonical DONOR-SPLICE nga instead of ngt, noncanonical ACCEPTOR-SPLICE: nggnn instead of nagnn.
  2. (2) STOP-CODON in FR1-IMGT at position AA 6, in FR3-IMGT at position AA 80.
  3. (3) STOP-CODON in CDR1-IMGT at position AA 27, in FR2-IMGT at position AA 48 and no DONOR-SPLICE.
  4. (4) STOP-CODON at position AA 103 in FR3-IMGT.
  5. (5) frameshift in L-PART1.
  6. (6) 2nd-CYS is replaced by Ser.
  7. (7) frameshift in FR1-IMGT, no DONOR-SPLICE.
  8. (8) frameshift in FR3-IMGT.
  9. (9) STOP-CODON at position AA 42 in FR2-IMGT, frameshift in FR3-IMGT, no V-NONAMER.
  10. (10) noncanonical V-HEPTAMER: cactgtt instead of cacagtg and noncanonical V-NONAMER: ataaacagt instead of acacaaacc.
  11. (11) Truncated pseudogene not assigned to subgroups with functional genes, no L-PART1, frameshift in FR1-IMGT, no V-RS.
  12. (12) several deletions and insertions causing frameshifts in V-REGION, no L-PART1.
  13. (13) several deletions and insertions causing frameshifts in V-REGION, no L-PART1, no V-RS.
  14. (14) several deletions and insertions causing frameshifts in V-REGION, no V-RS.
  15. (15) several deletions and insertions causing frameshifts in V-REGION and in L-PART1, no V-RS.
  16. (16) positions in V-REGION.
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Schwartz J.C. et al. Immunogenetics 2018 May;70(5):317-326. doi: 10.1007/s00251-017-1033-3. Epub 2017 Oct 23. Free PMC Article. PMID:29063126
Last updated:
Morgane Bertignac