IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: goat (Capra hircus) TRBV

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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The Goat (Capra hircus) TRBV genes have a temporary designation based on the IMGT gene name nomenclature rules for the unmapped genes, the incomplete loci, or the cDNAs in the absence of germline genes.

IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
TRBV1 TRBV1S1 TRBV1S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB30 AF035476 [2] #c
TRBV1S2 TRBV1S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB52 AF035477 [2] #c
TRBV1S3 TRBV1S3*01 (F) + + TCRVB1 U59399 [2] #c
TRBV2 TRBV2S1 TRBV2S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB26 AF035474 [2] #c
TRBV2S2 TRBV2S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB27 U59412 [2] #c
TRBV3 TRBV3S1 TRBV3S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB17 AF035472 [2] #c
TRBV3S2 TRBV3S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB33 U59410 [2] #c
TRBV4 TRBV4S1 TRBV4S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB21 AF035473 [2] #c
TRBV4S2 TRBV4S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB49 U59404 [2] #c
TRBV5 TRBV5S1 TRBV5S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB29 AF035475 [2] #c
TRBV5S2 TRBV5S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB4 U59405 [2] #c
TRBV6 TRBV6S1 TRBV6S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB59 AF035478 [2] #c
TRBV6S2 TRBV6S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB56 U59402 [2] #c
TRBV7 TRBV7S1 TRBV7S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB65 AF035479 [2] #c
TRBV7S2 TRBV7S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB51 U59411 [2] #c
TRBV8 TRBV8S1 TRBV8S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB90 AF035480 [2] (1) #c
TRBV9 TRBV9S1 TRBV9S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB19 U59400 [2] #c
TRBV10 TRBV10S1 TRBV10S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB69 U59401 [2] #c
TRBV11 TRBV11S1 TRBV11S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB53 U59403 [2] #c
TRBV11S2 TRBV11S2*01 [F] L18953 [1] (2) °
TRBV11S3 TRBV11S3*01 [F] L18954 [1] (2) °
TRBV11S4 TRBV11S4*01 [F] L18955 [1] (2) °
TRBV11S5 TRBV11S5*01 [F] L18956 [1] (2) °
TRBV12 TRBV12S1 TRBV12S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB54 U59406 [2] #c
TRBV13 TRBV13S1 TRBV13S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB22 U59407 [2] #c
TRBV14 TRBV14S1 TRBV14S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB67 U59408 [2] #c
TRBV15 TRBV15S1 TRBV15S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB42 U59409 [2] #c
TRBV16 TRBV16S1 TRBV16S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB58 U59413 [2] #c
TRBV17 TRBV17S1 TRBV17S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB12 AF139640 [2] #c
TRBV17S2 TRBV17S2*01 (F) + + TCRVB26 AF139641 [2] #c
TRBV18 TRBV18S1 TRBV18S1*01 (F) + + TCRVB17 AF110421 [2] #c

#c: rearranged cDNA.
°: DNA genomic sequence, but not known to be rearranged or germline.

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) Partial V-REGION: AA 1 to 18 are misssing (partial FR1-IMGT).
  2. (2) Partial V-REGION: AA 101 to 104 are missing (partial FR3-IMGT), no CDR3-IMGT.
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Buitkamp J. et al., Mamm Genome, 4, 504-510 (1993). PMID:8118100
  2. [2] Obexer-Ruff G. et al., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 849, 321-326 (1998). PMID:9668481
Last updated:
Géraldine Folch