IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: sheep (Ovis aries) TRGC

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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TRGC1, TRGC2 and TRGC6 are localized in the TRG2 locus on ovine chromosome 4 at 4q2.2.
TRGC5, TRGC3 and TRGC4 are localized in the TRG1 locus on ovine chomosome 4 at 4q3.1.

To take into account the similitude between the organization of the ovine and bovine TRG loci, the ovine C6, C1 and C4 genes, described in [3] have been officially named as TRGC1, TRGC4 and TRGC6, respectively (20/04/2006).

IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Breed Clone names Exons Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Breed Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
TRGC1 TRGC1*01 F Altamurana C6 (lambda17A5) EX1 AF312559 [3]
EX2A AF312560 [3]
EX3 AF312561 [3]
TRGC2 TRGC2*01 F White Alpine C2a EX1 Z12965 [1] #c
EX2A Z12965 [1] #c
EX2B Z12965 [1] #c
EX2C Z12965 [1] #c
EX3 Z12965 [1] #c
TRGC2*02 F Altamurana C2b (lambda12A6) EX1 AF312555 [3]
EX2A AF312556 [3]
EX2B AF312556 [3]
EX2C AF312557 [3]
EX3 AF312558 [3]
TRGC3 TRGC3*01 F White Alpine EX1 Z12966 [2] #c
EX2A Z12966 [2] #c
EX2C Z12966 [2] #c
EX3 Z12966 [2] #c
TRGC3*02 F Altamurana C3 (lambda3U3) EX1 AF234763 [3]
EX2A AF234764 [3]
EX2C AF234764 [3]
EX3 AF234764 [3]
TRGC4 TRGC4*01 F White Alpine C1 EX1 Z12964 [1] #c Altamurana gamma1 (lambda 16A3) AF047015 [3]
EX2A Z12964 [1] #c
EX2B Z12964 [1] #c
EX2C Z12964 [1] #c
EX3 Z12964 [1] #c
TRGC5 TRGC5*01 F White Alpine EX1 Z13986 [2] #c
EX2A Z13986 [2] #c
EX3 Z13986 [2] #c
TRGC6 TRGC6*01 F Altamurana C4 (lambda4P1, lambda4R1) EX1 AF241307 [3] White Alpine Z12967 [2] #c
EX2A AF241308 [3] White Alpine Z12967 [2] #c
EX2B AF241308 [3] White Alpine Z12967 [2] #c
EX2C AF241308 [3] White Alpine Z12967 [2] #c
EX3 AF241309 [3] White Alpine Z12967 [2] #c

#c: rearranged cDNA

IMGT references:
  1. [1] Hein W.R. et al., Eur. J. Immunol., 20, 1795-1804 (1990). PMID:2145166
  2. [2] Hein W.R. and Dudler L., EMBO J., 12, 712-724 (1993). PMID:8440261
  3. [3] Miccoli M. C. et al., J. Mol. Evol., 57, 52-62 (2003). PMID:12962306
  4. [4] Vaccarelli G. et al., BMC Genomics, 9, 81 (2008). PMID:18282289
Last updated:
Christèle Martinez-Jean, Yan Wu and Marie-Paule Lefranc