IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: bovine (Bos taurus) TRGJ

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Breed Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Breed Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
TRGJ1-1 TRGJ1-1*01 F + + Holstein TRGC2 MAP AY644518 [1] Holstein CH240-248F24 AC172685 [2]
TRGJ1-2 TRGJ1-2*01 F + + Holstein TRGC2 MAP AY644518 [1] Holstein CH240-248F24 AC172685 [2]
TRGJ1-2*02 (F) + + Holstein BTGV18, TRGJ1S3 D16127 [3] #c
TRGJ1-2*03 (F) + + Holstein BTG22, TRGJ1S3 D16129 [3] #c
TRGJ2-1 TRGJ2-1*01 F + + Holstein CH240-248F24 MAP AC172685 [2]
TRGJ2-1*02 (F) + + Holstein BTGV8, TRGJ2S2 D16120 [3] #c
TRGJ2-1*03 (F) + + Holstein BTGV4, TRGJ2S2 D16118 [3] #c
TRGJ2-2 TRGJ2-2*01 F + + Holstein TRGC2 MAP AY644518 [1] Holstein CH240-248F24 AC172685 [2]
TRGJ2-2*02 (F) + + Holstein BTG10, TRGJ1S2 D16121 [3] #c
TRGJ2-2*03 (F) + + Holstein BTGV19, TRGJ1S3 D16128 [3] #c
TRGJ3-1 TRGJ3-1*01 F + + Holstein TCRG1 MAP AY644517 [1]
TRGJ3-1*02 (F) + + Holstein BTGV1, TRGJ2S1 D13648 [3] #c
TRGJ4-1 TRGJ4-1*01 F + + Holstein TCRG1 MAP AY644517 [1]
TRGJ4-2 TRGJ4-2*01 F + + Holstein TCRG1 MAP AY644517 [1]
TRGJ5-1 TRGJ5-1*01 F + + Herford TCRG5 MAP NW_937068 [1]
TRGJ6-1 TRGJ6-1*01 F + + Holstein CH240-248F24 MAP AC172685 [2]

#c: rearranged cDNA.
MAP: Mapped reference sequences.

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) J-GENEs with a Tyrosine or a Tryptophane located four amino acids before the conserved Phe-Gly-X-Gly motif have been assigned to subgroups 1 and 2, respectively.
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Herzig C. et al., Immunogenetics, 58, 138-151 (2006). PMID:16541255
  2. [2] Lahmers K.K. et al., J. Leukoc. Biol., 77, 199-208 (2005). PMID:15522917
  3. [3] Hein W. R. et al., Immunology, 91, 58-64 (1997). PMID:9203966
Last updated:
Joumana Jabado-Michaloud