House mouse (Mus musculus) IGH locus on chromosome 12 (12F2) strain C57BL/6
The orientation of the house mouse (Mus musculus) IGH locus on chromosome 12 (12F2) strain C57BL/6 is reverse (REV).
Colors are according to IMGT color menu for genes.
The boxes representing the genes are not to scale. Exons are not shown.
A double slash // indicates a gap in genome assembly. Distances in bp (base pair) or in kb (kilobase) associated with a double slash are taken
into account in the length of the lines and included in the numbers displayed at the right end of the lines.
SWITCH sequences are represented by a
filled circle upstream of the IGHC genes.
The Mouse (Mus musculus) IGHV genes belong to 16 subgroups
(Gene tables: Mouse IGHV)
which are part of three clans (Figure IGHV clans).
Clans comprise, respectively:
- clan I: IGHV1, IGHV9; IGHV14 and IGHV15 subgroup genes and one pseudogene IGHV(I)
- clan II: IGHV2, IGHV3, IGHV8 and IGHV12 subgroup genes and pseudogenes IGHV(II)
- clan III: IGHV4, IGHV5, IGHV6, IGHV7, IGHV10, IGHV11, IGHV13 and IGHV16 subgroup
genes and pseudogenes IGHV(III).
Locus representation with only the functional genes: house mouse (Mus musculus) IGH locus on chromosome 12 (12F2) strain C57BL/6

* When needed, indicate the presence of allele(s) with another functionality: see above house mouse (Mus musculus) IGH locus on chromosome 12 (12F2) strain C57BL/6
Zoom for IGHD and IGHJ genes
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