Citing IMGT databases: Manso T. et al. IMGT® databases, related tools and web resources through three main axes of research and development. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7;50(D1):D1262-D1272. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab1136 PMID: 34875068 Free PMC article.
Program version: v. 

Bibliographical references in alphabetic order, small design changes and addition of "NL" for non-localized gene.
June 14th, 2024.

Addition of 'Score for IMGT allele confirmation' as well as NCBI TPA accession numbers.
September 20th, 2023.

Implementation of the dynamic gene table.

Gene table legend:

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene, when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown in parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.

IMGT allele confirmation: a scoring system is employed to signify the frequency of occurrences of a specific allele within sequence data. A single star (*) indicates that no instances of the allele have been identified in the literature. Two stars (**) indicate the discovery of one literature sequence containing the allele. If more than one literature sequence is found to contain the allele, it is designated with three stars (***). In the Excel file, the stars are represented by the plus symbol (+).

Click on:
  • IMGT gene name to get the corresponding IMGT/GENE-DB entry (link).
  • IMGT allele name to see the corresponding Alignments of alleles (link).
  • Accession number to get the corresponding IMGT/LIGM-DB entry (link).
  • MAP: mapped sequences. Click to access GENE-DB «LOCALIZATION IN GENOME ASSEMBLIES» (link).
  • [number] to access the corresponding IMGT reference (popover).
  • (number) to see the corresponding IMGT note (popover).
  • You can show/hide columns (), download data () or put the table in fullscreen () using buttons.
See also (IMGT Scientific chart):
Select a species and a IMGT group to get the gene table:
Only IMGT available species/group are shown in the drop-down list.
The gene table can take several seconds to appear, please be patient.
Gene table of naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) TRAV IMGT group:
IMGT sub­groupIMGT gene nameIMGT allele nameScore for
IMGT allele
R T PrIMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequencesIMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Clone namesIsolateAccession
in the sequence
or V-REGION (*)
Clone namesIsolateAccession
in the sequence
or V-REGION (*)
TRAV1TRAV1 TRAV1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 9417-10040 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 136045-136668
TRAV4TRAV4 TRAV4*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 110959-111723 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 255805-256569
TRAV5TRAV5-1 TRAV5-1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 125221-125761 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 276630-277170
TRAV5TRAV5-2 TRAV5-2*01 (1) (53) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 672463-672723 *
TRAV5TRAV5-3 TRAV5-3*01 (2) (54) BK064754 [1] MAP 492408-492946 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 684909-685447
TRAV8TRAV8-1 TRAV8-1*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 291758-292239
TRAV8TRAV8-1 TRAV8-1*02 F BK064754 [1] MAP 140458-140939
TRAV8TRAV8-2 TRAV8-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 400528-401038 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 584966-585476
TRAV8TRAV8-3 TRAV8-3*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 575085-575581 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 769567-770063
TRAV8TRAV8-4 TRAV8-4*01 (3) (55) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1071957-1072241 *
TRAV8TRAV8-5 TRAV8-5*01 (4) (56) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 complement(1074317-1074824)
TRAV8TRAV8-6 TRAV8-6*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 834079-834589 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1095284-1095794
TRAV8TRAV8-7 TRAV8-7*01 (3) (55) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1100531-1100799 *
TRAV9TRAV9-1 TRAV9-1*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 301400-301880
TRAV9TRAV9-1 TRAV9-1*02 F BK064754 [1] MAP 149020-149500
TRAV9TRAV9-2 TRAV9-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 172649-173159 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 325070-325580
TRAV9TRAV9-3 TRAV9-3*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 343797-344322
TRAV9TRAV9-3 TRAV9-3*02 F BK064754 [1] MAP 191167-191692 NMR 29 IMGT000081 233603-234128
TRAV9TRAV9-4 TRAV9-4*01 ORF (5) BK064754 [1] MAP 211083-212050 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 363742-364709
TRAV9TRAV9-5 TRAV9-5*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 656079-656583
TRAV9TRAV9-5 TRAV9-5*02 F BK064754 [1] MAP 471455-471959 NMR 29 IMGT000081 529592-530096
TRAV9TRAV9-6 TRAV9-6*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 630271-630757 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 830430-830916
TRAV9TRAV9-7 TRAV9-7*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 679701-680217 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 879882-880398
TRAV9TRAV9-8 TRAV9-8*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 898141-898620
TRAV9TRAV9-8 TRAV9-8*02 F BK064754 [1] MAP 697969-698448 NMR 29 IMGT000081 757154-757633
TRAV10TRAV10 TRAV10*01 (6) (56) BK064754 [1] MAP 514477-515058 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 708766-709347
TRAV11TRAV11-1 TRAV11-1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 301922-302444 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 464469-464991
TRAV11TRAV11-2 TRAV11-2*01 (7) (57) BK064754 [1] MAP 634636-635188 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 835036-835314 *
TRAV12TRAV12-1 TRAV12-1*01 (8) (58) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 391092-391649
TRAV12TRAV12-2 TRAV12-2*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 400299-400873
TRAV12TRAV12-2 TRAV12-2*02 F BK064754 [1] MAP 238134-238711 NMR 29 IMGT000081 280574-281151
TRAV12TRAV12-3 TRAV12-3*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 316336-316899 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 478788-479351
TRAV12TRAV12-4 TRAV12-4*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 326995-327573 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 489458-490036
TRAV12TRAV12-5 TRAV12-5*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 490766-491344
TRAV12TRAV12-6 TRAV12-6*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 521642-522202 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 715931-716491
TRAV12TRAV12-7 TRAV12-7*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 532805-533348 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 727094-727637
TRAV12TRAV12-8 TRAV12-8*01 (9) (56) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 844963-845533
TRAV12TRAV12-8 TRAV12-8*02 ORF (10) (59) BK064754 [1] MAP 644802-645383 NMR 29 IMGT000081 703939-704520
TRAV12TRAV12-9 TRAV12-9*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 905827-906415
TRAV12TRAV12-9 TRAV12-9*02 (11) (56) BK064754 [1] MAP 705015-705593 NMR 29 IMGT000081 764199-764777
TRAV13TRAV13-1 TRAV13-1*01 (12) (60) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 336785->336985 *
TRAV13TRAV13-1 TRAV13-1*02 (13) (60) BK064754 [1] MAP 184175->184375 * NMR 29 IMGT000081 226609-226842 *
TRAV13TRAV13-2 TRAV13-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 202305-202842 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 354937-355474
TRAV13TRAV13-3 TRAV13-3*01 (14) (61) BK064754 [1] MAP 688757-689287 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 888929-889459
TRAV14TRAV14-1 TRAV14-1*01 (15) (62) BK064754 [1] MAP 205866-206411 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 358525-359070
TRAV14TRAV14-2 TRAV14-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 511612-512158 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 705901-706447
TRAV14TRAV14-3 TRAV14-3*01 (16) (63) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 826824-827332
TRAV14TRAV14-3 TRAV14-3*02 (16) (63) BK064754 [1] MAP 626646-627161 NMR 29 IMGT000081 685838-686353
TRAV14TRAV14-4 TRAV14-4*01 (17) (54) BK064754 [1] MAP 693973-694528 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 894145-894700
TRAV17TRAV17-1 TRAV17-1*01 ORF (18) (64) BK064754 [1] MAP 255055-255592 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 417522-418059
TRAV17TRAV17-2 TRAV17-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 544290-544808 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 738616-739134
TRAV18TRAV18-1 TRAV18-1*01 ORF (19) (65) BK064754 [1] MAP 269580-270063 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 432047-432530
TRAV18TRAV18-2 TRAV18-2*01 (20) (56) BK064754 [1] MAP 552422-553093 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 746906-747574
TRAV19TRAV19-1 TRAV19-1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 260205-260806 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 422672-423273
TRAV19TRAV19-2 TRAV19-2*01 (21) (56) BK064754 [1] MAP 366212-367119 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 545032-545939
TRAV19TRAV19-3 TRAV19-3*01 (22) (63) BK064754 [1] MAP 549205-549793 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 743531-744119
TRAV21TRAV21 TRAV21*01 (23) (66) BK064754 [1] MAP 368909->369186 * MEF-2018 IMGT000071 547732-548009 *
TRAV22TRAV22-1 TRAV22-1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 283932-284466 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 446398-446932
TRAV22TRAV22-2 TRAV22-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 382423-382950 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 566868-567395
TRAV22TRAV22-3 TRAV22-3*01 (24) (67) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 640292-640820
TRAV22TRAV22-3 TRAV22-3*02 (24) BK064754 [1] MAP 455942-456470 NMR 29 IMGT000081 514078-514606
TRAV22TRAV22-4 TRAV22-4*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 557454-558011 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 751935-752492
TRAV22TRAV22-5 TRAV22-5*01 (25) (68) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 947073-947623
TRAV22TRAV22-6 TRAV22-6*01 (26) (26) BK064754 [1] MAP 746317-746871 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 960257-960805
TRAV23TRAV23-1 TRAV23-1*01 (27) (69) BK064754 [1] MAP 462190-462726 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 646541-647077
TRAV23TRAV23-2 TRAV23-2*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 787219-787746
TRAV23TRAV23-2 TRAV23-2*02 F BK064754 [1] MAP 592876-593403 NMR 29 IMGT000081 652136-652663
TRAV23TRAV23-3 TRAV23-3*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 653759-654292 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 853870-854403
TRAV23TRAV23-4 TRAV23-4*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 764049-764600 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 984594-985145
TRAV23TRAV23-5 TRAV23-5*01 (3) (55) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 991905-992179 *
TRAV23TRAV23-6 TRAV23-6*01 (28) BK064754 [1] MAP <388216-388483 *
TRAV25TRAV25-1 TRAV25-1*01 (29) (54) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 760695-761296
TRAV25TRAV25-1 TRAV25-1*02 ORF (30) (65) BK064754 [1] MAP 566214-566815 NMR 29 IMGT000081 625693-626294
TRAV25TRAV25-2 TRAV25-2*01 (31) (65) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1036687-1037285
TRAV25TRAV25-3 TRAV25-3*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 810712-811330 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1048333-1048951
TRAV27TRAV27 TRAV27*01 (32) (32) BK064754 [1] MAP 411134-411856 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 595567-596289
TRAV28TRAV28 TRAV28*01 ORF (33) (65) BK064754 [1] MAP 861709-862307 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1127846-1128444
TRAV29TRAV29-1 TRAV29-1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 422122-422689 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 606570-607137
TRAV29TRAV29-2 TRAV29-2*01 (3) (55) BK064754 [1] MAP 881326-881589 * MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1147428-1147691 *
TRAV30TRAV30 TRAV30*01 (34) BK064754 [1] MAP 918950-919563 TRAV30S1*01 IMGT000071 complement(1349056-1349669)
TRAV31TRAV31 TRAV31*01 (35) BK064754 [1] MAP 922371-922997 TRAV31S1*01 IMGT000071 complement(1345623-1346249)
TRAV32TRAV32 TRAV32*01 (36) BK064754 [1] MAP 930123-930638 TRAV32S1*01 IMGT000071 complement(1337890-1338405)
TRAV33TRAV33 TRAV33*01 ORF (37) BK064754 [1] MAP 932488-933099 TRAV33S1*01 IMGT000071 complement(1335431-1336042)
TRAV34TRAV34-1 TRAV34-1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 436885-437498 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 621311-621924
TRAV34TRAV34-2 TRAV34-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 954535-955157 TRAV34S2*01 IMGT000071 complement(1313276-1313898)
TRAV34TRAV34-2 TRAV34-2*02 F TRAV34S2*02 IMGT000081 1043355-1043974
TRAV34TRAV34S1 NL TRAV34S1*01 (38) (70) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 complement(1284914-1285521)
TRAV35TRAV35-1 TRAV35-1*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 445269-445881 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 629695-630307
TRAV35TRAV35-2 TRAV35-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 970979-971582 TRAV35S1*01 IMGT000071 complement(1248924-1249527)
TRAV35TRAV35-2 TRAV35-2*02 F TRAV35S1*02 IMGT000081 1059732-1060335
TRAV35TRAV35S3 NL TRAV35S3*01 (39) (70) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1301454-1302053
TRAV36TRAV36 TRAV36*01 (40) BK064754 [1] MAP 984423-984981 TRAV36S1*01 IMGT000071 complement(1235506-1236064)
TRAV36TRAV36 TRAV36*02 (41) TRAV36S1*02 IMGT000081 1072979-1073537
TRAV38TRAV38-1 TRAV38-1*01 (4) (56) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 complement(1177728-1178387)
TRAV38TRAV38-2 TRAV38-2*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 1010727-1011366 TRAV38S3*01 IMGT000071 1368095-1368734
TRAV38TRAV38-5 TRAV38-5*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 1025919-1026568 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1394317-1394966
TRAV38TRAV38S1 NL TRAV38S1*01 (42) (71) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 complement(1192886-1193175) *
TRAV38TRAV38S2 NL TRAV38S2*01 F MEF-2018 IMGT000071 complement(1194618-1195257)
TRAV39TRAV39 TRAV39*01 (43) (43) BK064754 [1] MAP 1052109-1052635 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1420474-1421000
TRAV40TRAV40 TRAV40*01 (44) (63) BK064754 [1] MAP 1074634-1075258 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1443007-1443631
TRAV41TRAV41 TRAV41*01 (45) (72) BK064754 [1] MAP 1078571-1079140 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1446944-1447513
TRAV43TRAV43 TRAV43*01 F BK064754 [1] MAP 504595-505157 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 698885-699447
TRAV46TRAV46 TRAV46*01 (46) (73) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 1561208-1561454 *
TRAV46TRAV46 TRAV46*02 (46) BK064754 [1] MAP 1177697->1177943 *
TRAVATRAVA TRAVA*01 (38) (70) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 372303-372891
TRAVATRAVA TRAVA*02 (38) (70) BK064754 [1] MAP 219784-220370 NMR 29 IMGT000081 262302-262888
TRAVBTRAVB TRAVB*01 (47) (74) BK064754 [1] MAP 224238-224782 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 376790-377334
TRAVCTRAVC TRAVC*01 (48) (75) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 534964-535225 *
TRAVCTRAVC TRAVC*02 (49) (75) BK064754 [1] MAP 356161->356422 * NMR 29 IMGT000081 398448-398709 *
TRAVDTRAVD TRAVD*01 (50) (76) MEF-2018 IMGT000071 704229-704616
TRAVDTRAVD TRAVD*02 (50) (76) BK064754 [1] MAP 509940-510327 NMR 29 IMGT000081 567913-568299
TRAVETRAVE TRAVE*01 (51) (55) BK064754 [1] MAP 516872-517121 * MEF-2018 IMGT000071 711160-711409 *
TRAVFTRAVF TRAVF*01 (52) (77) BK064754 [1] MAP 726713-727528 MEF-2018 IMGT000071 927551-928366

✤ : NCBI accession number that correspond to a previously internal IMGT accession number. See the correspondence table.

IMGT notes:
  1. no L-PART1, frameshift in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions, no V-RS
  2. STOP-CODON in FR3-IMGT: position 95
  3. no L-PART1, frameshift in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  4. frameshift in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  5. unexpected V-INTRON length
  6. frameshift in V-REGION: deletion of 2 nt in FR1-IMGT
  7. no INIT-CODON:Ile instead of Met, STOP-CODON in L-PART1, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION: insertion of 2 nt in FR1-IMGT
  8. frameshift in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  9. frameshift in V-REGION: deletion of 11 nt in CDR2-IMGT
  10. no CONSERVED-TRP: Leu instead of Trp
  11. frameshift in V-REGION: deletion of 10 nt FR3-IMGT
  12. STOP-CODON in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions, no V-RS
  13. STOP-CODON in L-PART2, partial in 3', no V-RS
  14. STOP-CODON in L-PART1, no L-PART2, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION: deletion of 4 nt and 8 nt in FR3-IMGT
  15. no INIT-CODON: Leu instead of Met, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION: deletion of 1 nt in FR3-IMGT
  16. no INIT-CODON: Thr instead of Met, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  17. STOP-CODON in V-REGION: position 14
  18. noncanonical V-HEPTAMER: cacgatg instead of cacagtg, unexpected V-SPACER length: 29 nt instead of 23 nt
  19. noncanonical V-NONAMER: gcaagaact instead of acaaaaacc
  20. frameshift in V-REGION: deletion of 14 nt in FR1-IMGT
  21. frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  22. no INIT-CODON: Leu instead of Met, frameshift in V-REGION: deletion of 1 nt in FR2-IMGT
  23. no INIT-CODON: Ile instead of Met, STOP-CODON in L-PART1, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, no CONSERVED-TRP: STOP-CODON instead of Trp, frameshift in V-REGION: insertion of 1 nt in FR2-IMGT, no V-RS
  24. frameshift in L-PART1, no ACCEPTOR-SPLICE, no CONSERVED-TRP: STOP-CODON instead of Trp, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshifts in V-REGION: insertion of 1 nt in FR3-IMGT
  25. frameshift in L-PART1, no ACCEPTOR-SPLICE, frameshift in V-REGION: several deletions
  26. several STOP-CODON in V-REGION
  27. no INIT-CODON: Ile instead of Met, frameshift in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION: several deletions
  28. no L-PART1, no L-PART2, truncated pseudogene not assigned to subgroups with functional genes
  29. STOP-CODON in V-REGION: position 68
  30. noncanonical V-NONAMER: actgaaacc instead of acaaaaacc
  31. no INIT-CODON: STOP-CODON instead of Met, frameshift in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  33. noncanonical V-NONAMER: gcatgaaac instead of acaaaaacc
  34. frameshift in L-PART1, no INIT-CODON: Arg instead of Met, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION
  35. STOP-CODON in V-REGION: position 75
  36. no INIT-CODON: Lys instead of Met, no L-PART2
  37. no 1st-CYS: Tyr instead of Cys, noncanonical V-HEPTAMER: cccatgg instead of cacagtg
  38. frameshift in L-PART1, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  39. frameshift in L-PART1, frameshifts in V-REGION: deletion of 1 nt in FR3-IMGT
  40. STOP-CODON in L-PART1, frameshift(s) in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  41. STOP-CODON in L-PART1, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  42. no L-PART1, no ACCEPTOR-SPLICE, STOP-CODON in V-REGION: position 5
  43. frameshift in L-PART1
  44. no INIT-CODON: Asn instead of Met, frameshift in V-REGION: several deletions
  45. frameshift in L-PART2, the splicing between the DONOR-SPLICE of L-PART1 and the ACCEPTOR-SPLICE of L-PART2 results into a STOP-CODON, STOP-CODON in V-REGION: position 10
  46. no L-PART1, frameshift in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions, no V-RS
  47. STOP-CODON in L-PART1, no L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  48. frameshifts in V-REGION: deletion 1 nt in FR1-IMGT, no V-RS
  49. frameshift in V-REGION: deletion 1 nt in FR1-IMGT, no V-RS
  50. no L-PART2, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION: insertion of 1 nt in FR2-IMGT
  51. no L-PART1, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  52. no DONOR-SPLICE, frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions
  53. no L-PART1, frameshift in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION, no V-RS
  55. no L-PART1, frameshift in V-REGION
  56. frameshift in V-REGION
  57. no L-PART1, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION
  58. frameshift in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION
  60. STOP-CODON in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION, no V-RS
  61. STOP-CODON in L-PART1, no L-PART2, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION
  62. no INIT-CODON, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION
  63. no INIT-CODON, frameshifts in V-REGION
  64. unexpected V-SPACER length
  65. noncanonical V-NONAMER
  66. no INIT-CODON, STOP-CODON in L-PART1, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, no CONSERVED-TRP: STOP-CODON instead of Trp, frameshifts in V-REGION, no V-RS
  67. frameshift in L-PART1, no ACCEPTOR-SPLICE, no CONSERVED-TRP: STOP-CODON instead of Trp, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshifts in V-REGION
  68. frameshift in L-PART1, no ACCEPTOR-SPLICE, no CONSERVED-TRP: STOP-CODON instead of Trp, frameshifts in V-REGION
  69. no INIT-CODON, frameshift in L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION
  70. frameshift in L-PART1, frameshifts in V-REGION
  72. frameshift in L-PART2, the splicing between the DONOR-SPLICE of L-PART1 and the ACCEPTOR-SPLICE of L-PART2 results into a STOP-CODON, STOP-CODON in V-REGION
  73. no L-PART1, frameshift in V-REGION, no V-HEPTAMER
  74. STOP-CODON in L-PART1, no L-PART2, frameshifts in V-REGION
  75. frameshifts in V-REGION, no V-RS
  76. no L-PART2, several STOP-CODON in V-REGION, frameshift in V-REGION
  77. no DONOR-SPLICE, frameshifts in V-REGION
IMGT references:
  1. Manso,T. et al., IMGT(R) databases, related tools and web resources through three main axes of research and development, Nucleic Acids Res, vol. 50, no. D1, 2022, pp. D1262-D1272. PUBMED: 34875068