IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Locus representation: Human (Homo sapiens) IGL

Citing this page:
Lefranc, M.-P., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 18, 242-254 (2001). PMID: 11872955 pdf
Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The Immunoglobulin FactsBook, Academic Press, London, 458 pages (2001). pdf
Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., In: Molecular Biology of B cells, pp 37-59 (2004).

Human (Homo sapiens) IGL locus on chromosome 22 (22q11.2)

The orientation of the human (Homo sapiens) IGL locus on the chromosome 22 (22q11.2) is forward (FWD).

Locus representation human IGL

Colors are according to IMGT color menu for genes.
The boxes representing the genes are not to scale. Exons are not shown.
A double slash // indicates a gap in genome assembly. Distances in bp (base pair) or in kb (kilobase) associated with a double slash are taken into account in the length of the lines and included in the numbers displayed at the right end of the lines.
A dotted line ... indicates the distance in kb (kilobase) between the locus and its bornes (5' borne and the most 5' gene in the locus and/or 3' borne and the most 3' gene in the locus) on the top and bottom lines, respectively. These distances are not represented at scale and/or are not included in IMGT-LOCUS-UNIT and may not be included in the numbers displayed at the right ends of these two lines .

A, B, C refer to three distinct V-CLUSTERs based on the IGLV gene subgroup content [6].

The Homo sapiens IGL J-C-CLUSTER comprises polymorphic number (from 7 to 11) of highly similar cassettes resulting from recent amplification as determined by RFLP and Southern blot. Only the J-C-CLUSTER with 7 cassettes has been sequenced so far. The numbers 1 to 7 indicate the IGLJ1-IGLC1, IGLJ2-IGLC2, IGLJ3-IGLC3, IGLJ4-IGLC4, IGLJ5-IGLC5, IGLJ6-IGLC6 and IGLJ7-IGLC7 cassettes, respectively).

Bornes of the human (Homo sapiens) IGL locus

• TOP3B (DNA topoisomerase III) (5' borne) has been identified 43 kb upstream of IGLV(I)-70 (P), the most 5' gene in the locus.
• RSPH14 (radial spoke head 14 homolog) (3' borne) has been identified 136 kb downstream of IGLC7 (F), the most 3' gene in the locus.

IGLV gene names are designated by a number for the subgroup [4,6] followed by a dash and a number for the localization from 3' to 5' in the locus.
Pseudogenes which could not be assigned to subgroups with functional genes are designated by a roman number between parentheses, corresponding to the clans [7], followed by a dash and a number for the localization from 3' to 5' in the locus.
Clans (Figure IGLV clans) comprise, respectively:

  • clan I: IGLV1, IGLV2, IGLV6 and IGLV10 subgroup genes, and pseudogenes IGLV(I)-20, -38, -42, -56, -63, -68 and -70
  • clan II: IGLV3 subgroup genes
  • clan III: IGLV7 and IGLV8 subgroup genes
  • clan IV: IGLV5 and IGLV11 subgroup genes, and pseudogenes IGLV(IV)-53, -59, -64, -65 and -66-1
  • clan V: IGLV4 and IGLV9 subgroup genes, and pseudogenes IGLV(V)-58 and -66
  • clan VI: pseudogenes IGLV(VI)-22-1 and -25-1
  • clan VII: pseudogene IGLV(VII)-41-1

IGLV(IV)-66-1 has been identified in D87004 by IMGT curators (G. Folch, V. Giudicelli, M.-P. Lefranc).
IGLV(VI)-25-1 has been identified in D86994 by IMGT curators (N. Bosc, M.-P. Lefranc).
IGLV(III)-60-1, IGLV(III)-59-1, IGLV(IV)-55-1 and IGLV(II)-24-1 were added to the Locus representation on 26/05/2020 (G. Folch and M-P. Lefranc).

Locus representation with only the functional genes: human (Homo sapiens) IGL

Gene localization is according to data from IMGT/LocusView. This locus representation with only the functional genes is used with IMGT/GeneFrequency.

Locus representation human IGL

* When needed, indicate the presence of allele(s) with another functionality: see above human (Homo sapiens) IGL locus

Zoom for IGLJ genes


IMGT references:
  1. [1] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The immunoglobulin FactsBook, Academic Press, London, 458 pages (2001). 012441351X
  2. [2] Lefranc, M.-P., Nomenclature of the human immunoglobulin genes, Current Protocols in Immunology, A.1P.1-A.1P.37 (2000).
  3. [3] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., Immunoglobulin lambda (IGL) genes of human and mouse, In: Molecular Biology of B cells (Honjo, T., Alt, F.W. and Neuberger, M.S. eds), Academic Press, Elsevier Science, pp. 37-59 (2004). 0120536412
IGLV genes
  1. [4] Frippiat, J.-P. et al., Hum. Mol. Genet., 4, 983-991 (1995).
  2. [5] Kawasaki, K. et al., Genome Res., 5, 125-135 (1995).
  3. [6] Williams, S.C., Frippiat, J.-P. et al., J. Mol. Biol., 264, 220-232 (1996).
  4. [7] Kawasaki, K. et al., Genome Res., 7, 250-261 (1997).
IGLJ genes and IGLC genes
  1. [8] Hieter, P.A. et al., Nature, 294, 536-540 (1981).
  2. [9] Taub, R.A. et al., Nature, 304, 172-174 (1983).
  3. [10] Dariavach, P. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 84, 9074-9078 (1987).
  4. [11] Vasicek, T.J. and Leder, P., J. Exp. Med., 1990, 609-620 (1990).
IGLC polymorphisms
  1. [12] Taub, R.A. et al., Nature, 304, 172-174 (1983).
  2. [13] Ghanem, N. et al., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 5, 186-195 (1988).
  3. [14] Kay, P.H. et al., Immunogenetics, 35, 341-343 (1992).
  4. [15] Lefranc, M.-P. et al., Hum. Genet., 104, 361-369 (1999).
IGLV polymorphisms
  1. [16] Lefranc, M.-P. et al., Hum. Genet., 104, 361-369 (1999).
  1. [17] Blomberg, B.B. et al., J. Immunol., 147, 2354-2358 (1991).
  2. [18] Asenbauer, H. et al., Eur. J. Immunol., 29, 713-724 (1999).
  3. [19] Combriato, G. and Klobeck, H.G., J. Immunol., 168, 1259-1266 (2002).
Last updated:
Nathalie Pallarès, Nathalie Bosc and Marie-Paule Lefranc