IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: house mouse (Mus musculus) TRBJ

Citing this page: Bosc, N. and Lefranc, M.-P., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 17, 216-228 (2000) PMID: 11096260 pdf

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct Chromosomal localization R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
TRBJ1-1 TRBJ1-1*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A (1) JT1 MAP X01018 [2] BALB/c J1S1 AE000665 [5]
SJL/J Jbeta1.1 U77843 [1]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 655043-655118
TRBJ1-1*02 (F) 6 (20.5 cM) BALB/c x C56BL/6 (F1) Jbeta1 MAP M11456 [4] #c
TRBJ1-2 TRBJ1-2*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A JT2 MAP X01018 [2] BALB/c J1S2 AE000665 [5]
SJL/J Jbeta1.2 U77843 [1]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 655180-655255
TRBJ1-3 TRBJ1-3*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A JT3 MAP X01018 [2] BALB/c J1S3 AE000665 [5]
SJL/J Jbeta1.3 U77843 [1]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 655502-655579
TRBJ1-4 TRBJ1-4*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A JT4 MAP X01018 [2]
TRBJ1-4*02 F 6 (20.5 cM) BALB/c J1S4 AE000665 [5] SJL/J Jbeta1.4 U77843 [1]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 655990-656068
TRBJ1-5 TRBJ1-5*01 F (2) 6 (20.5 cM) BALB/c J1S5 AE000665 [5] (2) C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 656263-656340
TRBJ1-5*02 F (2) 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A JT5 MAP X01018 [2] (2)
TRBJ1-5*03 F 6 (20.5 cM) SJL/J Jbeta1.5 U77843 [1]
TRBJ1-6 TRBJ1-6*01 ORF (3) 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A JT6 MAP X01018 [2] BALB/c J1S6 AE000665 [5]
SJL/J Jbeta1.6 U77843 [1]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 656733-656813
TRBJ1-7 TRBJ1-7*01 ORF (4) 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A JT7 MAP X01018 [2] BALB/c J1S7 AE000665 [5]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 656822-656894
TRBJ2-1 TRBJ2-1*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A Jbeta2.1 MAP K02802 [3] BALB/c J2S1 AE000665 [5]
Jbeta2-1 X00934 [7]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 663933-664010
TRBJ2-2 TRBJ2-2*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A Jbeta2.2 MAP K02802 [3] BALB/c J2S2 AE000665 [5]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 664136-664214
TRBJ2-3 TRBJ2-3*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A Jbeta2.3 MAP K02802 [3] BALB/c J2S3 AE000665 [5]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 664402-664478
TRBJ2-4 TRBJ2-4*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A Jbeta2.4 MAP K02802 [3] BALB/c J2S4 AE000665 [5]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 664541-664617
TRBJ2-5 TRBJ2-5*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A Jbeta2.5 MAP K02802 [3] BALB/c J2S5 AE000665 [5]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 664632-664708
TRBJ2-6 TRBJ2-6*01 P (5) 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A Jbeta2.psi MAP K02802 [3] BALB/c J2S6 AE000665 [5]
C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 664777-664852
TRBJ2-7 TRBJ2-7*01 F 6 (20.5 cM) B10.A Jbeta2.7 MAP K02802 [3] BALB/c J2S6 AE000665 [5]
(F) 6 (20.5 cM) C57BL/6 M16122 [6] #c C57BL/6J IMGT000132 [8] MAP 664989-665063

#c: rearranged cDNA .
MAP: Mapped sequences.

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) B10.A is a congenic strain, B10 is the abbreviated symbol of C57BL/10 and A the abbreviated symbol of A/J.
  2. (2) Nucleotide G, at position 10 of TRBJ5 in AE000665, is deleted in X01018. This DELETION leads to a frameshift. However it is not excluded that V-D-J rearrangements allow to reestablish the normal ORF. In those cases, the STOP-CODON needs to be eliminated by the rearrangements. For these reasons the TRBJ1-5*02 is considered as functional.
  3. (3) Non canonical J-REGION: Phe-Ala-X-Gly instead of Phe-Gly-X-Gly.
  4. (4) Non canonical J-REGION: His-Gly-X-Gly instead of Phe-Gly-X-Gly. Non canonical DONOR-SPLICE: ATA instead of NGT.
  5. (5) Pseudogene because the germline J-GENE is only identified by the presence of a recombination signal. There is an open reading frame, but without the conserved Phe-Gly-X-Gly motif, and without a donor splicing site in 3' .
  6. (6) because non conserved consensus sequence, FGXG replace by FAXG
  7. (7) because non conserved consensus sequence, FGXG replace by HGXG
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Bahk Y.Y. et al., J. Virol., 71, 4181-4185 (1997). PMID:9094705
  2. [2] Gascoigne N.R. et al., Nature, 310, 387-391 (1984). PMID:6336329
  3. [3] Malissen M. et al., Cell, 37, 1101-1110 (1984). PMID:6611207
  4. [4] Morinaga T. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 82, 8163-8167 (1985). PMID:3906657
  5. [5] Rowen L. et al., Unpublished (1997).
  6. [6] Sherman D.H. et al., Mol. Cell. Biol., 7, 1865-1872 (1987). PMID:2439899
  7. [7] Siu G., et al., Nature, 311, 344-350 (1984). PMID:6090932
  8. [8] Church,D.M. et al., PLoS Biol. 9 (7) (2011). PMID:21750661
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Nathalie Bosc