IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Gene table: house mouse (Mus musculus) TRDV

Citing this page: Bosc, N. and Lefranc, M.-P., Dev. Comp. Immunol., 27, 465-497 (2003) PMID: 12697305

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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Clones used for the complete sequencing of the TRA/TRD locus (see IMGT/GeneView and Accession numbers of the Reference sequences) were later used to construct four contigs: AE008683 to AE008686. AE008686 (461875 bp) contains TRDV1 to TRDV5.
The 10 TRAV/DV genes which belong to 7 TRAV subgroups are reported in the TRAV Mouse (Mus musculus) Gene table.

IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct Chromosomal localization R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
TRDV1 TRDV1 TRDV1*01 F 14 (19.7 cM) + + 112447-113058 (6) 129/SvJ VDelta 2 MAP M94080 [5] 129/Sv/J TRDV1 MAP AC005938 [7]
AE007512 [7]
TRDV1*02 F 14 (19.7 cM) 1463645-1464289 (8) C57BL/6J IMGT000082 [8] MAP 1463645-1464289 (8)
TRDV2 TRDV2-1 TRDV2-1*01 F 14 (19.7 cM) 169281-169868 (6) 129/SvJ TRDV2-1 MAP AC003993 [7] AC005835 [7]
AE007512 [7]
TRDV2-1*02 F 14 (19.7 cM) 1528106-1528732 C57BL/6J (8) IMGT000082 [8] MAP 1528106-1528732 (8)
TRDV2-2 TRDV2-2*01 F 14 (19.7 cM) + + 180112-180712 (6) 129/SvJ TRDV2-2 MAP AC003993 [7] AC005835 [7] C57BL/6J IMGT000082 [8] MAP 1543026-1543674 (8)
AE007512 [7]
TRDV2-2*02 [F] 14 (19.7 cM) B10.A (1) VDelta 4.2 U28810 [6] °
TRDV3 TRDV3 TRDV3*01 P (5) 14 (19.7 cM) + + 226595-226894 (7) 129/SvJ TRDV3P MAP AC005835 [7] AE007512 [7]
TRDV3*02 P (10) 14 (19.7 cM) 1582992-1583286 C57BL/6J (9) IMGT000082 [8] MAP 1582992-1583286 (9)
TRDV4 TRDV4 TRDV4*01 F 14 (19.7 cM) + + 314801-315312 (6) 129/SvJ TRDV4 MAP AC003057 [7] AE007512 [7] C57BL/6J IMGT000082 [8] MAP 1657037-1657587 (8)
TRDV5 TRDV5 (4) TRDV5*01 F 14 (19.7 cM) BALB/c VDelta 5 MAP M23382 [2]
TRDV5*02 F 14 (19.7 cM) + + + B10.D2-H2dm1 (2) VDelta 7.3 MAP M23095 [3] B10.D2-H2dm1 VDelta 7.3 MAP M23098 [3] (3)
C57BL/6J IMGT000082 [8] MAP complement(1730656,1731234) (8)
TRDV5*03 F 14 (19.7 cM) + + + 381551-382090 (6) B10.D2-H2dm1 TRDV5 MAP M64239 [4] AE007512 [7]
TRDV5*04 (F) 14 (19.7 cM) + + BALB/c x 129 (F1) VDelta 5 MAP M37281 [1] #c

#c: rearranged cDNA.
°: DNA genomic sequence, but not known as being germline or rearranged.
MAP: Mapped reference sequences.

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) B10.A is a congenic strain, B10 is the abbreviated symbol of C57BL/10 and A the abbreviated symbol of A/J.
  2. (2) B10.D2-H2dm1 is a congenic strain (see MGD for Strain Nomenclature Guidelines), B10 is the abbreviated symbol of C57BL/10 and D2 the abbreviated symbol of DBA/2J.
  3. (3) V-GENE is partial (no L-PART1, no L-PART2), and V-REGION is partial: AA 1 to 71 are missing (no FR1-IMGT, no CDR1-IMGT, no FR2-IMGT, no CDR2-IMGT and partial FR3-IMGT).
  4. (4) The TRDV5 gene is localized in 3' from the TRDC gene and is in an inverted orientation of transcription.
  5. (5) Frameshifts in V-REGION.
  6. (6) Limits from INIT-CODON (ATG) to the last nucleotide of V-REGION in the AE008586 accession number.
  7. (7) For the pseudogene TRDV3 which has no L-PART1, limits are from the first nucleotide to the last nucleotide of V-EXON.
  8. (8) Position of V-GENE-UNIT
  9. (9) Position of V-REGION
  10. (10) frameshifts in V-REGION: several insertions and deletions, no L-PART1
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Elliott J.F. et al., Nature, 331, 627-631 (1988). PMID:2963227
  2. [2] Iwashima M. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 85, 8161-8165 (1988). PMID:3263646
  3. [3] Korman A.J. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 86, 267-271 (1989). PMID:2789518
  4. [4] Koop B.F. et al., Genomics, 13, 1209-1230 (1992). PMID:1505954
  5. [5] Seto D. et al., Genomics, 20, 258-266 (1994). PMID:8020973
  6. [6] Balboni I. et al., Unpublished (1996).
  7. [7] Lee I.Y. et al., Unpublished (1998).
  8. [8] Deanna C. et al, PLoS Biol., (9)7 (2011). PMID:21750661
Last updated:
Nathalie Bosc and Guilhem Zeitoun