Here you are: IMGT Web resources > IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR) > 1. Locus and genes

"+" or "-" indicates if the gene sequences have been found (+) or not been found (-) rearranged (R), transcribed (T) and/or translated into protein (Pr). Arbitrarily that information is shown on the first line of each gene when the data have been confirmed by several studies.

Functionality is shown between parentheses, (F) and (P), when the accession number refers to rearranged genomic DNA or cDNA and the corresponding germline gene has not yet been isolated.
Functionality is shown between brackets, [F] and [P], when the accession number refers to genomic DNA, but not known as being germline or rearranged.

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IMGT subgroup IMGT gene name IMGT allele name Fct Chromosomal localization R T Pr Positions in the locus IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences IMGT/LIGM-DB sequences from the literature
Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence Secondary accession numbers Strain Clone names Accession numbers Positions in the sequence
IGKV10 IGKV10-94 IGKV10-94*01 F SPRET/Ei AF441461 [1]
IGKV10-96 IGKV10-96*01 F AF441451 [1]

The nomenclature rules from the International Committee for Standardized Nomenclature for Mice state the following: "Most laboratory mice have contributions from both Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus. There is evidence that smaller contributions may also have come from Mus musculus molossinus and Mus musculus castaneus. Therefore, they should not be referred to by species name, but rather as "laboratory mice" or by use of a specific strain or stock name. In addition, some recently developed laboratory mouse strains are derived wholly from other Mus species or subspecies, such as Mus spretus." Information communicated by Janan Eppig (28/03/2002).

IMGT references:
  1. [1] Fitzsimmons, S.P. et al., Unpublished (2001).
Last updated:
Christèle Martinez Jean, Delphine Guiraudou, Joumana Jabado-Michaloud