IMGT locus |
IGK locus |
IGK locus |
IMGT locus ID: LemCat_IGK_1 |
IMGT locus ID: LemCat_IGK_2 |
Taxonomy |
Lemur catta (Ring-tailed lemur), taxon:9447, Isolate: mLemCat1, male, haploid (principal pseudohaplotype of diploid) |
Lemur catta (Ring-tailed lemur), taxon:9447, Isolate: mLemCat1, male, haploid (alternate-pseudohaplotype) |
Genome assembly |
mLemCat1.pri |
mLemCat1.alt |
GenBank assembly ID |
GCA_020740605.1 |
JAJGPZ010000086.1 |
RefSeq assembly ID |
GCF_020740605.2 |
BAC library |
Chromosome |
4 |
Chromosome sequence ID and locus positions (GenBank assembly) |
CM036475.1 (68095148-68230539) |
JAJGPZ010000086.1 (640712-780161) |
Chromosome sequence ID and locus positions (RefSeq assembly) |
NC_059131.1 (68095148-68230539) |
IMGT locus orientation on the chromosome |
IMGT/LIGM-DB locus reference sequence (ID) |
IMGT000098 |
IMGT000101 |
IMGT/LIGM-DB locus reference sequence length (bp) |
135392 |
139450 |