Other FCGR entries

IMGT RPI entry from gene to protein for Homo sapiens FCGR3B

Citing IMGT RPI entry for FCGR3B

Bertrand, G. et al., Characterization of human FCGR3B*02 (HNA-1b, NA2) cDNAs and IMGT standardized description of FCGR3B alleles, Tissue Antigens, 64, 119-31 (2004) PMID: 15245367 Cover

IMGT gene name and definition

Chromosomal localization

Gene exon/intron organization

FCGR3B Gene exon/intron organization


Number of alleles: 1

IMGT reference alleles

Allele name Gene functionality IMGT reference sequences
Clone names Accession numbers Molecule type
FCGR3B*01 F J04162 cDNA

IMGT reference sequences (in FASTA format) for the allele(s): FCGR3B*01

Other sequences from the literature

Allele name Gene functionality IMGT reference sequences
Clone names Accession numbers Molecule type
FCGR3B*01 F J04162 cDNA
FCGR3B*02 F X07934 cDNA
X16863 cDNA
(F) Z46223 gDNA
F AJ581669 cDNA
FCGR3B*03 F [3] cDNA
FCGR3B*04 (F) [4] cDNA
FCGR3B*05 (F) [4] cDNA
FCGR3B*06 (F) [4] cDNA
FCGR3B*07 (F) [4] cDNA
FCGR3B*08 (F) [4] cDNA
FCGR3B*09 (F) [4] gDNA
FCGR3B*10 (F) [4] gDNA
FCGR3B*11 (F) [4] gDNA
FCGR3B*12 (F) [4] gDNA

Corresponding protein database accession numbers

Allele name Accession numbers Number of amino acids Protein isoform
Nucleotide databases Protein databases
FCGR3B*02 AJ581669 Sw: O75015 233 aa

Reference sequences and allelic polymorphisms

Alleles Allotypes (1) TaqI RFLP sites (2) [D1] amino acid positions (3) Accession numbers or references (4) Donors (5)
FCGR3B*01 NA1 +++ R A N Y A D V [1,2] 2, 4, 8, 9, 11-16, 19
FCGR3B*02 NA2 -+- S A S Y A N I AJ581669 1, 2, 11, 13-18
FCGR3B*03 SH -+- S A S Y D N I [3] 17, 18
FCGR3B*04 +++ R A N Y A D I [4] 10
FCGR3B*05 -+- S A N Y A N I [4] 1-3, 4
FCGR3B*06 -++ S A S Y A D I [4] 3, 8, 9
FCGR3B*07 --+ S A S Y A D I [4] 5-7, 10
FCGR3B*08 -++ S A S Y A D I [4] 7
FCGR3B*09 -+- R A S Y A N n.d. [4] 12
FCGR3B*10 -+- S A I Y A N n.d. [4] 12
FCGR3B*11 (6) ++- R A S Y D N n.d. [4,5] 17, 18
FCGR3B*12 (7) -+- S T S * A N n.d [4] 16

n.d., not determined.
A, Alanine; D, Aspartate; I, Isoleucine; L, Leucine; N, Asparagine; R, Arginine; S, Serine; T, Threonine.
In bold, polymorphic amino acids less represented in the alleles.

IMGT notes:
  1. (1) Allotypes as defined serologically.
  2. (2) + and - indicate the presence or absence of a TaqI site, respectively. From left to right, the three sites are at nucleotide positions 44.1-44.2 (codons 15.1-15.2), 259-261 (codons 87-88) and 287-290 (codons 96-97) according to the IMGT unique numbering for C-LIKE-DOMAIN [6,7].
  3. (3) In bold, positions according to the IMGT unique numbering for C-LIKE-DOMAIN [6,7]; between parentheses, positions starting from the initiation codon (upper line) or positions in the mature protein (assuming a L-REGION of 17 amino acids) (lower line).
  4. (4) Data were extracted from the publications when accession numbers were not available. Primers 1 and 9 were used in [1], primers 1 and 2 in [3], primers 6 and 7 for the genomic DNA PCR, and primers 5 and 8 for the cDNA PCR in [4]. [D1] was completely sequenced in [4], for the alleles FCGR3B*04 to FCGR3B*08, amplified from cDNAs, whereas positions 9-120 of [D1] were sequenced for the alleles FCGR3B*09 to FCGR3B*12, amplified from genomic DNAs.
  5. (5) Donor numbers from [4]. In bold, PCR sequences from cDNA, in thin, PCR sequences from genomic DNA. Donors correspond to three ethnic groups: Black (donors 1-10, 17, 18), Japanese (donors 11, 12, 15, 16) and White (donors 13, 14, 19).
  6. (6) FCGR3B*11, first reported as a FCGR3A allele [4], was recently suggested to be a FCGR3B allele [5].
  7. (7) An asterisk indicates a stop codon at position 89. Positions 93 and 97 are indicated for information.
IMGT references:
  1. [1] Ravetch, J.V., Perussia, B., J. Exp. Med., 170, 481-497 (1989).
  2. [2] Peltz, G.A. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 86, 1013-1017 (1989).
  3. [3] Bux, J., Stein, E.L., Bierling, P. et al., Blood, 89, 1027-1034 (1997).
  4. [4] Matsuo, K., Procter, J, Stroncek, D., Transfusion, 40, 645-653 (2000).
  5. [5] Stroncek, D., Transfus. Med. Rev., 16, 67-75 (2002).
  6. [6] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., In: Molecular Biology of B cells (Honjo T., Alt, F. W. and Neuberger, M. S. eds), Academic Press, Elsevier Science, 37-59 (2004). 0120536412
  7. [7] Lefranc, M.-P., Pommié, C., Ruiz, M. et al., Dev. Comp. Immunol. 27, 55-77 (2003) pdf with permission from Elsevier. PMID:12477501

Genomic sequence

Coding region sequence

The coding region (CODING-REGION) sequence starts from INIT-CODON (or its encoded amino acid) to STOP-CODON (not included).
The nucleotide sequence is extracted from cDNA (c) sequences and/or is built by artificial exon joining from genomic DNA (g) sequences. The amino acid sequence is the translation of the nucleotide sequence.

FCGR3B*01: J04162(c)

Nucleotide sequence

1        atgtggcagc tgctcctccc aactgctctg ctacttctag tttcagctgg catgcggact

61       gaagatctcc caaaggctgt ggtgttcctg gagcctcaat ggtacagggt gctcgagaag

121      gacagtgtga ctctgaagtg ccagggagcc tactcccctg aggacaattc cacacagtgg

181      tttcacaatg agaacctcat ctcaagccag gcctcgagct acttcattga cgctgccaca

241      gtcgacgaca gtggagagta caggtgccag acaaacctct ccaccctcag tgacccggtg

301      cagctagaag tccatgtcgg ctggctgttg ctccaggccc ctcggtgggt gttcaaggag

361      gaagacccta ttcacctgag gtgtcacagc tggaagaaca ctgctctgca taaggtcaca

421      tatttacaga atggcaaaga caggaagtat tttcatcata attctgactt ccacattcca

481      aaagccacac tcaaagatag cggctcctac ttctgcaggg ggcttgttgg gagtaaaaat

541      gtgtcttcag agactgtgaa catcaccatc actcaaggtt tggcagtgtc aaccatctca

601      tcattctctc cacctgggta ccaagtctct ttctgcttgg tgatggtact cctttttgca

661      gtggacacag gactatattt ctctgtgaag acaaacattt ga
Nucleotide sequence in FASTA format (without gaps) FCGR3B*01

Amino acid sequence




Amino acid sequence in FASTA format (without gap) FCGR3B*01
