Collier de Perles: Mouse (Mus musculus)
E5.2 Fv (PDB: 1dvf_C )
IMGT/3Dstructure-DB card: 1dvf
Side view (backbone model)
View from above the CDRs (backbone model)
Collier de Perles: Mouse IGH V-D-J REGION
Mouse rearranged IGK V-J1 REGION |

The PBD file 1dvf contains the atomic coordinates of the complex between
Idiotope D1.3-Antiidiotope E5.2. Both D1.3 and E5.2 are mouse (Mus musculus) antibodies (IgG1, kappa). Only the IGK V-DOMAIN of E5.2 (or "Fv", for "Fragment variable") (PDB: 1dvf_C) is displayed here.
Amino acids are shown in the one-letter abbreviation.
Hydrophobic amino acids (hydropathy index with positive value) and Tryptophan (W) found at a given position in more than 50 % of analysed Ig and TcR sequences are shown in blue.
All Proline (P) are shown in yellow.
The CDR-IMGT are limited by amino acids shown in squares, which belong to the neighbouring FR-IMGT.
The CDR3-IMGT is described using the IMGT unique numbering for V-DOMAIN.
Hatched circles or squares correspond to missing positions according to the IMGT unique numbering for V-REGIONs. Missing positions of the CDRs are not shown in this representation.
Arrows indicate the direction of the beta strands and their different designations in 3D structure.
Created: 19/12/1997
Last updated: Friday, 22-Sep-2023 18:17:02 CEST
Authors: Manuel Ruiz, Elodie Foulquier and Marie-Paule Lefranc
Editors: Elodie Foulquier and Marie-Paule Lefranc