IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Collier de Perles: Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) IGKC

IGKC*01 C-KAPPA (V01241)


  • IGKC*02 (J02574): M 11, T 15, S 16, T 20, F 24, V 25, S 45.1, Q 45.3, V 94, E 95, R 98

On one layer

On two layers

Colors are according to IMGT Color menu for sequence alignments and Color menu for CDR-IMGT

  • Amino acids are shown in the one-letter abbreviation.
  • Hydrophobic amino acids (hydropathy index with positive value) and Tryptophan (W) found at a given position in more than 50% of analysed IG and TR sequences are shown in blue.
  • All Proline (P) are shown in yellow.
  • Missing positions in IMGT Colliers de Perles based on 3D structures may be due to incomplete experimental data.
  • Arrows indicate the direction of the beta sheets and their different designations in 3D structures. This information has to be used carefully if not supported by experimental data.
  • The positions 26, 39 and 104 are shown in squares by homology with the corresponding positions in the V-REGIONs. Positions 45 and 77 which delimit the characteristic "CD" strand of the C-DOMAINs, and position 118 which corresponds structurally to J-PHE or J-TRP of the J-REGION, are also shown in squares.
  • Hatched circles or squares correspond to missing positions according to the IMGT unique numbering for C-DOMAINs (Lefranc et al. 2005 PMID: 15572068 PDF).
  • In green, position of amino acid changes involved in allotype polymorphism.
  • Strands of the beta-pleated sheet localized at the interface between domains are shown in bold.
  • The hinge six amino acids which belongs to the same exon as the CH2 domain are not shown.
  • The CHS region is not shown.
Last updated:
Friday, 26-Jul-2024 17:10:04 CEST
François Ehrenmann, Chantal Ginestoux and Patrice Duroux
Scientific officer:
Marie-Paule Lefranc