IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®

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Mutations comprise the allele polymorphism mutations as for any other gene, and the somatic hypermutations which are specific of the immunoglobulin rearranged variable genes. The IMGT unique numbering [1] has allowed a standardized IMGT description of mutations.

The standardized description of mutations is used for:

Mutations of the allele polymorphisms are represented in the Alignments of alleles [2] and Tables of alleles [3-7] (IMGT Repertoire) which have been set up for the coding regions of the IG and TR genes [8,9].

[1] Lefranc, M.-P., The Immunologist, 7, 132-136 (1999)
[2] Lefranc, M.-P. et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 26, 297-303 (1998) PMID: 9399859, LIGM:195
[3] Pallarès, N. et al., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 15, 8-18 (1998) PMID: 9619396, LIGM:200 pdf
[4] Barbié, V. and Lefranc, M.-P., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 15, 171-183 (1998) PMID: 9813414, LIGM:207 pdf
[5] Martinez, C. and Lefranc, M.-P., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 15, 184-193 (1998) PMID: 9813415, LIGM:208 pdf
[6] Pallarès, N. et al., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 16, 36-60 (1999) PMID: 10087405, LIGM:210 pdf
[7] Ruiz, M. et al., Exp. Clin. Immunogenet., 16, 173-184 (1999) PMID: 10394055, LIGM:211
[8] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The Immunoglobulin FactsBook, Academic Press, 458 pages (2001) ISBN:012441351X
[9] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The T cell receptor FactsBook, Academic Press, 398 pages (2001) ISBN:0124413528