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TRA/TRD locus 5' and 3' bornes

5' borne: Not defined (N.d.), OR10G3 (olfactory receptor 10G3) Most 5' gene in the TRA/TRD locus TRA/TRD locus Most 3' gene in the TRA/TRD locus 3' borne: DAD1 (defender against cell death)
Gene name NCBI ID Positions on chromosome IMGT gene name (Fct) NCBI ID Positions on chromosome Species Locus representation Locus orientation Chr NC ID IMGT gene name (Fct) NCBI ID Positions on chromosome Gene name NCBI ID Positions on chromosome
OR10G3 8171 21568520..21580076, complement TRAV1-1 (F) 28693 21621904..21622567 Homo sapiens FWD 14 (14q11.2) NC_000014.9 TRAC (F) 28755 22547506..22552132 DAD1 1603 22564907..22589237, complement
OR10G3 probably (to be confirmed) 258424 52609567..52610508, complement TRAV1 (F) 627171 52665425..52666373 Mus musculus FWD 14 (14C2) NC_000080.7 TRAC (F) 100101484 54457140..54493301 DAD1 13135 54472936..54491561, complement
OR10G3 101904323 25598580..25599533 TRAV1 (F) 25573696..25574362, complement Bos taurus REV 10 NC_037337.1 TRAC (F) 22264338..22268091, complement DAD1 614538 22229392..22251343
N.d. TRAV43-1 (F) 2210650..2211187 Canis lupus familiaris FWD 8 NC_006590.3 TRAC (F) 2948153..2950887 DAD1 480238 2963719..2984978, complement
N.d. TRDD1 (F) 36084802..36084877 Danio rerio FWD 2 NC_007113.7 TRAV1-1 (F) 36604149..36604444, complement DAD1 566527 51640849..51644034, complement
OR10G3 101098305 74538141..74539082, complement TRAV2 (ORF) 74663121..74663905 Felis catus FWD B3 NC_018728.3 TRAC (F) 75467348..75470106 DAD1 101088756 75483725..75504332, complement
OR10G3 707265 82856589..82857530, complement TRAV1-1 (F) 82911240..82911941 Macaca mulatta FWD 7 NC_027899.1 TRAC (F) 83866010..83869167 DAD1 711840 83882941..83906535, complement
OR10G3 100359155 41843929..41844870, complement TRAV4 (F) 41945733..41946510 Oryctolagus cuniculus FWD 17 NC_013685.1 TRAC (F) 42825486..42828176 DAD1 100355816 42840607..42870082, complement
N.d. TRAV1 (ORF) 26427050..26427716, complement Ovis aries REV 7 NC_040258.1 TRAC (F) 23567290..23571122, complement DAD1 101106014 23532099..23554386
OR10G3 101702050 14923307..14924248 TRAV1 (F) 14896847..14897121, complement Heterocephalus glaber REV 2 OX090910.1 TRAC (F) 13551993..13549715, complement DAD1 101706224 13518825..13529381
N.d. TRAV1-1 (F) 23602100..23602802, complement Gorilla gorilla gorilla REV 14 NC_044616.1 TRAC (F) 22664321..22667471, complement DAD1 101135263 22625929..22650304
N.d. TRAV3 (P) 19486324..19500661 Mustela putorius furo FWD NW_025422047.1 TRAC (F) 20432194..20447572 DAD1 101694215 20448616..20470072, complement

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