IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Locus representation: domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) TRB locus

Citing this page: Gerritsen B, Pandit A, Zaaraoui-Boutahar F, van den Hout MCGN, van IJcken WFJ, de Boer RJ, Andeweg AC. Identification of expressed V, D, J, and C genes in the TRB locus of the ferret. In: Gerritsen B. Sequencing, analyzing, and modeling small samples from large T cell repertoires. PhD thesis. Utrecht University; 2018. IMGT-NC_Report_2018-3-0912_Musputfur_TRB pdf
IMGT/LIGM-DB: IMGT000203 (339804 bp), IMGT000022 (20648 bp) and IMGT000023 (238529 bp), domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) TRB locus.

Domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) TRB locus

Locus representation domestic ferret (<em>Mustela putorius furo</em>) TRB locus

Colors are according to IMGT color menu for genes.
The boxes representing the genes are not to scale. Exons are not shown.
A double slash // indicates a gap in genome assembly. Distances in bp (base pair) or in kb (kilobase) associated with a double slash are taken into account in the length of the lines and included in the numbers displayed at the right end of the lines.
A dotted line ... indicates the distance in kb (kilobase) between the locus and its bornes (5' borne and the most 5' gene in the locus and/or 3' borne and the most 3' gene in the locus) on the top and bottom lines, respectively. These distances are not represented at scale and/or are not included in IMGT-LOCUS-UNIT and may not be included in the numbers displayed at the right ends of these two lines .

TRB gene names are according to the IMGT nomenclature [1].
Single arrows show genes whose polarity is opposite to that of the D-J-C-CLUSTER comprising TRBD1-TRBJ (J1-1 to J1-6)-TRBC1-TRBD2-TRBJ (J2-1 to J2-6)-TRBC2.



IMGT references:
  1. [1] Lefranc M-P. Front Immunol. 2014 Feb 05;5:22. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00022. Open access.. PMID:24600447
  2. [2] Gerritsen B et al., PhD thesis chapter, Utrecht University (2018).
Last updated:
Perrine Pégorier, Ifigeneia Sideri