IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Locus representation: domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) TRB locus

Citing this page: Gerritsen B, Pandit A, Zaaraoui-Boutahar F, van den Hout MCGN, van IJcken WFJ, de Boer RJ, Andeweg AC. Identification of expressed V, D, J, and C genes in the TRB locus of the ferret. In: Gerritsen B. Sequencing, analyzing, and modeling small samples from large T cell repertoires. PhD thesis. Utrecht University; 2018. IMGT-NC_Report_2018-3-0912_Musputfur_TRB pdf
IMGT/LIGM-DB: BK068295 (339804 bp), BK068296 (20648 bp) and BK068297 (238529 bp), domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) TRB locus.

Domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) TRB locus

Locus representation domestic ferret (<em>Mustela putorius furo</em>) TRB locus

Colors are according to IMGT color menu for genes.
The boxes representing the genes are not to scale. Exons are not shown.
A double slash // indicates a gap in genome assembly. Distances in bp (base pair) or in kb (kilobase) associated with a double slash are taken into account in the length of the lines and included in the numbers displayed at the right end of the lines.

TRB gene names are according to the IMGT nomenclature [1].
Single arrows show genes whose polarity is opposite to that of the D-J-C-CLUSTER comprising TRBD1-TRBJ (J1-1 to J1-6)-TRBC1-TRBD2-TRBJ (J2-1 to J2-6)-TRBC2.



IMGT references:
  1. [1] Lefranc M-P. Front Immunol. 2014 Feb 05;5:22. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00022. Open access.. PMID:24600447
  2. [2] Gerritsen B et al., PhD thesis chapter, Utrecht University (2018).
Last updated:
Perrine Pégorier, Ifigeneia Sideri